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Index – Meanwhile – A gold bar resembling a piece of the Bounty will be drawn this Christmas in Britain.

Index – Meanwhile – A gold bar resembling a piece of the Bounty will be drawn this Christmas in Britain.

The host now feels much stronger than he did in his previous match, Jr. Schubert vs. Norbert.

The most anticipated match of the season continues on Sunday star boxBence Estness will step into the ring with Geno Racz.

In his victory speech three weeks ago, in the Rez Levente Sports Hall, he challenged the announcer Kitchen chef The jury, after RTL was shocked by the knockout. Since then, the give-and-take has taken to a new level, with Rach branding Estinis’ win a national matter at the start of the week, before retaliating with a selection of encouraging comments on his social media page. However, the collage included several harsh comments, including a racist expression.

“This comment I posted was careless, but I immediately removed it and replaced it with complicated comments, for which I immediately apologized publicly and sent a private message to Jenny about it. I wrote that I was sorry and apologized to him. It was just careless.” RTL.huIn his interview with Estnes, who was then asked whether Rack had responded to his letter.

No, he didn’t answer.

He also talked about his preparations for television. His current opponent has other strengths, such as the son. It was dedicated to Schubert Norrby, so his training was adapted to his coach.

“I don’t think it would be harder with Geno, it would be difficult in a different way. I think you shouldn’t bring your emotions into the ring, you should stay calm in there. A lot of people think that if two people get into the ring, they’re going to beat each other back and forth.” But that’s not possible. There’s a tactic here. You have to do it smartly. You have to adapt to the opponent. You have to play your own music in the ring, and play at your own pace. “It’s good to have a moody mood, if you have something to feed on. On him and you draw strength from him, but in the ring you have to be calm,” said Estinis, then revealed his mental fitness,

I feel much stronger than Norby.

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