On the other hand, China will now – for the first time since March 2020 – fully reopen its borders.

The world can breathe a sigh of relief, although Covid-19 has not gone away, but it does not make everyday life miserable. But will he return? What about the after effects of the disease? In our series of articles, you will find everything you need to know about the coronavirus pandemic.

Chinese people who plan to come to the UK must show a negative coronavirus test in order to be allowed into the country. BBC. Great Britain is not the first country to expect a negative test from people arriving from China: in recent days ItaliaThe United States and India imposed the same constraint. Hungary is not tightening the rules at the moment.

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In China – since the government cut off the zero covid policy that caused a serious social uproar – the coronavirus has been unleashed, and there are many new diseases. The reason for the rapid spread of the disease is the BF.7 sub-factor of the omicron variant, but scientists are not yet able to understand why this variant is spreading much faster than the previous one.

And despite the outbreak of the epidemic, China is not tightening its coronavirus policy: it will soon fully reopen its borders for the first time since the coronavirus outbreak. According to some estimates, the lack of restrictions could kill as many people in the next four months as the epidemic in the United States has killed in three years.

We wrote more about the situation in China here:


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