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Not only is he late, he has worse things to do

Not only is he late, he has worse things to do

The Rock has a reputation for accuracy, but according to recent reports, that doesn't apply to his new movie, which has seen a massive budget increase because of it.

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is known to take his work very seriously, he makes sure to always be on time to start, and he doesn't like it when his colleagues don't respect other people's time – this is one of the reasons why he was fired from the port along with Vin Diesel.

One of Szikla's new movies is called Red One, and it will be a Christmas action movie with Chris Evans and JK Simmons, and during the filming wrap According to an insider report citing sources close to the actor, it is Johnson himself who has caused serious difficulties due to his significant delay: the film's budget has reportedly increased by at least $50 million.

According to insiders, Szikla is late for an hour on average, but it sometimes happens that he shows up on set eight hours later, causing the crew to work without him. However, he had a more dangerous habit that shocked those around him: when he was away from his trailer, he did not go to the public bathroom, but to save time, Voss relieved himself in water bottles, and one of his team members or an assistant had to throw them away. “It was a fucking disaster,” said one insider who broke the story, while another said “Dwayne wasn't really bothered.”

The information comes from two sources close to the production and a close partner of Johnson's production company (Seven Buck Productions). According to the report, Red One's budget has swelled to over $250 million, partly due to The Rock. TheWrap reports that Johnson's scheduling issues didn't end with filming, with WrestleMania 40 running three hours late to the main event and the WWE Worldwide Fan Convention running two hours late.

An Amazon MGM spokesperson denied the allegations against Johnson in a statement sent to the site:

“Dwayne Johnson and the Seven Bucks have been great partners in making Red One – a film that audiences of all ages will love this holiday season. The demo was very strong – the reaction at CinemaCon speaks for itself – and without the work and continued support of Dwayne we couldn't have done it.” “We do that, and any report that says we arrived seven or eight hours late is absurd and false.”

According to current plans, Red One will be released in local cinemas on November 14.

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