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Here are some places where mobile phone charging can be particularly dangerous

Here are some places where mobile phone charging can be particularly dangerous

When it comes to whether charging our mobile devices in public places is dangerous, everyone should remember this article and act accordingly!

29.03.2024 – Of all types of viruses, spyware and malware are perhaps the most annoying to which a user can access. The malware in question takes advantage of people's good faith or inattention. The result could be complete chaos, and even our banking details could be stolen. Not long ago, hackers spread viruses through the popular and widely used WinRAR program. A vulnerability in WinRAR allowed hackers to break into and defraud cryptocurrency accounts through the software. Experts also talked about the fact that it is useful to check our phones sometimes to see if we have accidentally been exposed to an unexpected infection. You can read more about spyware signs and prevention here.

If the malware has already been detected, unfortunately we have to talk about an unpleasant situation. It is a fact that even public charging stations are no longer considered safe. Especially those that offer UISB ports. You can find similar terminals at many airports, which operators have installed for the convenience of travelers. This is all well and good, until hackers try to take advantage of it all.

Here it deserves more attention

Charging stations and other USB devices can be easily modified by malicious actors at will, such as installing software on victims' phones while they are charging. James Goebel, CEO of Fanthom Cyber, called attention to the situation. the Reader's Digest magazine He chased the problem and found out where it is not worth connecting our phone to a community charger.

  • As I mentioned before, A Airports It is full of community charging stations. Since this is the case, it is also one of the favorite data mining sites for malicious parties. It is worth charging our devices using our charger and avoiding USB ports.
  • If they are airports, they are unfortunately equally dangerous Train stations also.
  • Since hackers mainly attack unwary tourists, Hotels It is not considered safe either. There are many hotels, even at home, where there are multiple USB charging stations in one room. These are worth avoiding.
  • Moreover, the Rented vehicles It is not considered safe either. Many malicious individuals use various car services as a hunting ground.
See also  Index - Science - Dugongs in danger

At first, this may seem trivial, but it really was last year The FBI also warned him People about the dangers of USB sockets. It's worth being careful, if you do, you won't be surprised!

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