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How good a pioneer would you be?

How good a pioneer would you be?

I was still a pioneer, if only for a short time, and I believe there are many of you still breathing the air of this era. Founded in Hungary in 1945, the movement was in principle a voluntary mass organization for children, although, as I recall, it was not possible not to join it. If you remember what it was like, you will definitely pass this test.

The majority of primary school students were members of the organization, but it was also the educational base for sports and cultural programmes. For example, it regularly organized children's theater festivals, trips, camps, sports competitions and pioneer rehearsals.
The goal was to raise children to love and be loyal to the country and party. Young drummers and pioneers also had points that were treated as a list of values. Some points changed according to the values ​​of the socialist movement, while others remained the same.

Who are the members of the movement?

  • Young drummers in grades 2-4 of elementary school. They were first graders (they were called friends until 1957 anyway)
  • Pioneers in grades 5-8 of primary school. They were class students
  • Youth leader, who has taken on a leadership role and has already graduated from primary school. Qualified young people are usually selected for this position.
  • A pioneer leader, they already had educational qualifications and were educated adults. For them, the position of pioneer commander was a job duty.

Whatever system the pioneering movement tried to “train” me in, my memories of it are almost good, because it offered so many programs and social experiments. Nowadays, after school, the majority of children are at home, or their parents take them to various training, educational and training courses. 30 years ago, this was still provided by the school and the major, after school there were joint programs, we stayed there to practice sports, rehearse, discuss tactics for the upcoming competition, come up with a team flag, challenge other rangers to a battle of numbers, practice the start, and maybe even make Prepare a test. 🙂

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After the change of regime, the movement was able to work with a large number of people for a short time, but unfortunately, with the retirement of the band leaders, the number of bands and the number of members decreased significantly.

I hope I was able to get you in a good mood for the test, now let's see how much do you remember from this era? Were you a good pioneer?

For those who are members of our Facebook group, this test will also be easy, believe me very much Play, we ask. If you are not a member Come join us and play with us in a very cool community.

let's see!

What is the name of the groups of 6-12 people organized by pioneers?

And now come some groundbreaking songs. 🙂 Who composed the music for “Ej, haj, száll az enek…”?

Which of the following is not included in the six points for young drummers?


“The Little Drummer Helps Where He Can” is not included in the Little Drummer's Six Points, it reads more correctly as: The Major Helps Where He Can.

What is the correct name of the pioneering movement in Hungary?

Can you complete the lead note below? Like a squirrel in the tree/The Major is so cheerful/His lips never run out of tones./When he sets up camp somewhere,… …

The song must be added. Which line is missing? Hey, hey, the song is flying, the song is loud, life is beautiful./ Hey, hey, the major is always in a good mood,/ … … … … … … .. … .. ./ Oh Hajj, the song is coming From a hundred throats.


How many points did the pioneers get?

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