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Netflix is ​​ending account sharing

Netflix is ​​ending account sharing

Netflix has started filtering out those who share their accounts with people they don’t live with, writes A computer world. It is not uncommon for users to try to save money by sharing the same access with multiple people and splitting the subscription fee. The provider will not have a problem with this, as long as the account is accessed in one household, but often several households share the joint registration.

Netflix may soon end this practice.

Currently, the company is testing a feature in Chile, Costa Rica, and Peru that allows you to create sub-accounts for an additional cost. Netflix Standard and Netflix Premium users can register up to users who do not live with them. If the account is not suspiciously accessed in one household, subscribers are the first to be notified and must prove that the users live together.

Martin Mohs / 24

It is not yet known when the new feature will be introduced in other countries, but it can be assumed that the tightening will not be limited to Chile, Costa Rica and Peru. Possible global prices are also unknown, but it seems that each sub-account will cost about a thousand forints per month.

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