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NASA already knows that there's startling evidence heading back to Earth from Mars that may answer the big question

NASA already knows that there's startling evidence heading back to Earth from Mars that may answer the big question

Humanity has never been so close to outer space and To MarsAs happened with the beginning of NASA's big mission to Mars, where a lot of information came from the Red Planet from the beginning of the historic project. The Curiosity and Perseverance spacecraft have become veritable icons of popular culture, with thousands of articles published about them every week and NASA reporting on every little step and discovery. People are very interested in what happens on the red planet and what Martians find, what the history of Mars might be like, and if there was life on the planet, what was the root cause that destroyed it before.

Experts often comment on new discoveries and scientific achievements that receive great attention.

Organisms 300 meters long have been found on Mars

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One of the goals of the Perseverance mission is to find traces of life that once existed. One specimen bearing the name “Lefroy Bay” is of particular interest to experts. The sample contains silicon dioxide. Regarding the material, there is a high probability that they will be able to find something in it that may indicate signs of ancient life. Therefore, scientists are very optimistic that the sample brought to Earth by Martians can finally answer the big question about life on Mars.

Therefore, we are very close to knowing whether there was microbial life on the Red Planet in the past.

Amazing shots from Mars:

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(via website)

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