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Historic moment in Chapa: the Pakocha-Emodi chess match on Igede Day

Historic moment in Chapa: the Pakocha-Emodi chess match on Igede Day

The unique day held last Friday, organized by the Association for the Preservation of Traditions of Pequixaba, was a real treat, along with many other activities. While the Pesta Lustikis were dragging shoe soles on the court, in the shadow of the Old House, chess master Gyula Emodi and Józef Pakocha, the Hungarian Hercules, played a chess derby against each other.

one day Risso Ferencz Journalist and Joseph Pacocha Power plantIt started with z conversation. The latter told me that in 1985 he won the first national photogrammetry competition, and the following year he won the modern Miklos Tolde election. Since then, he has not stopped in America. Surely he could have been the first Csaba to visit all the states of the United States in the name of Hungarian Hercules.

Among other things, he was present at this event Gyula Emodi He is also a chess grandmaster (not a word about him in Wikipedia), and is actually the savior of the organized cultural circle. Ironically, while Pakocha – that’s right in the 1990s – prevailed in the United States, Emudi excelled in the 1980s, especially in eastern countries.

I watched their match.

Gyula Emodi in the old house – Photo: Tamás Is this a World Cup match?

Gyula Emodi: We have a nostalgic match, because 30 years ago, on South East Day, we actually played on the beach in Chapa, in the old Gazso bar. Even Joska Torgjan was there. What did he do?

Gyula Emodi: I overcame him.

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Gyula Emodi: game?

Joseph Bakoza: Say it!

Gyula Emodi: Say it! Shut up, Gyula!

Gyula Emodi: get off! He said this to Medgyesi in Parliament, while there were also agents in his family.

Joseph Pacocha in one day - Photo:ás such

Jose Pacocha among the fans – Photo:ás such This is the moment when two types of music meet.

Gyula Emodi: Józsi is playing well… playing very well. Who won the previous match?

Josie Pacocha: Well, it’s Gyula. Who would have won?

Gyula Emodi: You won the previous match. (While Gossi Pacocha builds fences) Barricade! But now I’m doing something special! It’s rare to give up a runner for a horse. Guzzi, have you played chess before?

Josie Pacocha: No, I’ve always been a martial artist, but I really like chess.

Gyula Emodi: There’s a struggle in that too, right? Chess is one of the most endurance games. Are you thinking about this? Excuse me, I’ll drop this (says to his opponent). Did you go to the gym after the party?

Gyula Emodi: Nah!

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