The Opposition Joint Prime Minister-designate insisted that Laszlo Kofer had described him the day before as “an idiot without hostility”.

Peter Marke Z. shared his summary opinion on ATV Híradó. The politician’s reaction was that Laszlo Kofer, Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, was from the public in conversation He described the joint opposition candidate for prime minister as “an idiot without hostility.”

According to Marki Z., on the other hand, “the mentally ill are subject to judgment,” and when Laszlo Koffer talks about the mentally ill, he can’t help but think of Fides. “I think a person with a mental illness would want to tell me two days ago exactly what day the first wave will peak. Or who is building a 4,000-person stadium in a village of 2,000, which was preceded by another Carpathian genius, Ceaușescu. “- He said.

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