The leather thumb made mouse among the birds brought a record number of participants and a huge victory.

Environmental protection, the climate crisis and sustainability are among the world’s most pressing problems. We need to pay special attention to these, so we also need to prioritize them. Hence the title of our new division: Zhvg.

Leather wings took first place in New Zealand in the Long-tailed Racket’s Bird of the Year vote, The Guardian reports The New York Times. The flying mammal, locally referred to as pekapeka-tou-roa, was added to the list because it wanted to draw attention to the protection of endangered species.

But the nomination and victory sparked widespread controversy on social networking sites, with some complaining that one of the mammals ranked first in a vote that was invented for birds 16 years ago, while others pointed out that bats are taller than birds that act like mammals.

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Perhaps he was thinking of an endangered species of parrot living on Earth, the macaw He won the vote last year. In any case, the bat has taken locals – and internationals alike – to a record high of more than 58,000 votes this year.

The Bird of the Year vote is not only held in New Zealand. At home this year, the gypsy spear won the vote organized by the Hungarian Ornithological and Conservation Society:

The gypsy girl became the bird of the year

“The planet is heating up and becoming uninhabitable, even for our grandchildren, and for that not to be the case, we need to reduce carbon emissions,” says Zsolt Jamniczky, member of the board of directors of the E.ON Hungária Group. It plays a leading role in the spread of sustainable energy solutions in Hungary, from e-mobility, to the installation of solar energy systems, to the development of electricity networks that were built decades ago.

We do not destroy our birds of prey in quantities measurable to any other European country


The conservation value of 1,600 protected animals, more than a thousand of which are birds of prey, has reached HUF 87 million in the past 16 years.

It is very rare in birds, but the huge condor eagle is able to breed virgins