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The futurist recommends that we do not allow meta-AI to collect our data

The futurist recommends that we do not allow meta-AI to collect our data

The guest of ATV's Straight Talk was cyber privacy futurist Arthur Kelety, founder of the ITBN Cybersecurity Conference. The presenter wondered whether Elon Musk was right, and whether artificial intelligence (AI) would be smarter than humans next year. According to some, this is already the case, and many bemoan whether ChatGPT's developer, OpenAI, for example, has actually achieved this, said Arthur Keleti. But how do you know if they are smarter? Through their testing, there was an AI that passed bartender tests or complex legal tests.

But will artificial intelligence be able to make independent decisions? According to the researcher, we discover many things when they are given independence. Then, you can see how tasks will be carried out, and whether different AI assistants, for example, will be able to communicate with each other while completing the task. However, according to Keleti, 10 to 20 percent of researchers believe this will lead to the Skynet of the Terminator movies.

According to him, there is a danger in this, because although artificial intelligence works similarly to us, we do not know what they are really thinking. They feel they are being asked and seem to respond accordingly. Moreover, these are systems where, if you ask them about their answer to a question or their solution to a problem, they may not be able to explain why they took that approach.

Keleti was also asked about Meta's new AI functionality: The company has already started making its AI service available in Hungary, for which it also wants to use our data, and many people have just received a message about this, but it should be allowed With it or not? Don't let them, Eastern Arthur recommends. We wrote about Meta's new AI functionality in this article.

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