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Jeff Goldblum has gone to heaven

Jeff Goldblum has gone to heaven

We probably couldn't find a better 21st century Zeus than Jeff Goldblum. Charming, wise and absolutely wonderful. It's been a long journey from Jurassic Park to the top of Olympus, but in the upcoming new Netflix series KAOS, Jeff Goldblum stars as Zeus, a gold Casio-wearing man going through an identity crisis.

The preview for the new Netflix series has fallen like a bolt out of the blue. KAOS is a contemporary version of classic Greek mythology, with the King of the Gods played by Jeff Goldblum, Doctor of the Dinosaurs. Yes, the chaos theorist is now the president of KAOS. The show's creator is Charlie Covell, the author of Apocalypse, and the Chernobyl producers worked on the project alongside him, so there's a very good chance they'll come up with something exciting again.

But what will the KAOS series be?

According to the official synopsis: “KAOS is a gritty, dark comedy, a contemporary take on Greek mythology: an exploration of love, power, and the underworld. Zeus has long enjoyed the status of king of the gods, and his rule has never been truly in danger. Until he wakes one morning to discover a wrinkle on His forehead. Believing him to be a harbinger of an ancient prophecy that predicts his doom, it comes full circle: Zeus is convinced that his downfall is imminent. As his paranoia takes over, the King of the Gods discovers signs everywhere, and begins to dangerously destroy himself. However, his anxiety Not unfounded. Zeus's former friend Prometheus, who has been imprisoned as a prisoner for several thousand years, is conspiring against him. The plan involves three people, but the twist in the story is that humans have no idea what role they should play in the future of the universe. Don't panic! “

From the first moment, when Goldblum says the word “humans” while checking the time on his gold watch, it's clear that the series' creators have done a lot more. Not to mention, her Zeus likes to wear striped tracksuits and open-collared shirts while staying in a villa any thug would love to live in. However, it seems that even if you have a golden Cassio and a giant villa, and even if you live on top of the world, the obsession of old age and haunting will not escape you.

(Featured Image: Netflix)

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