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Index – Culture – Seventeen disciplinary hearings began against Gyula Podroghi

Index – Culture – Seventeen disciplinary hearings began against Gyula Podroghi

Gyula Bodroje was a guest on Palikék's Világa by Manna Three Truths show, where he talked about his illness last year, his relationship with women, and also revealed that even though he wasn't a chick as a kid, he made up for it in college.

Laszlo Balek immediately asked him the question: “How can someone have 17 majors?”

“It wasn't difficult,” he replied. “I can't remember them all, because I forgot one or the other.” “But I remember the sixteenth, because that's when I was expelled, and I also know the seventeenth, because that's when they brought me back.”

The story of the class in brief: There was a dry room in the college, in which they showed films, even Western ones. One time they said the actors could not enter because it was harmful to them. “It was an Abbott and Costello thing, I think. They closed the door too, and of course I immediately realized there was no such thing!” – Tell.

I thought if this were an American movie, we would respond to it with a Russian fairy tale, “The Carrot.” In other words, we held each other, I pulled the handle well, and the door came out as a frame. This was its disciplinary basis, and of course we recognized that to be the case

It is to explain.

But while only the others were suspended, Bodroghi was sent off. He did not tell his parents this fact, so he sat in Erzsike's legendary press room during school hours. Suddenly Lagos Basti came and asked him why he was absent from college. Bodroje told him, Basti became very angry and argued with the teaching staff until another disciplinary committee was convened, headed by Endre Gellert, and the matter proceeded as follows:

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“You want to destroy the college yourself,” Gellert said. “I don't want to,” Bodrogé replied. Gellert looked around and repeated: He doesn't want to.

“You hate your classmates,” Geller told him. “I don't hate them,” Bodrogé replied. “He doesn't hate them,” Gellert repeated, and it went on like that.

Finally he was sent to await the verdict, which they had forgotten to tell him, so he learned from the porter that he had been sent back. Gyula Bodroje's condition improved after the incident, and no further disciplinary action was taken.

This is boxing!

He also said that he owed everything to women.

“To my mother, to whom I was born, to Torrox, who soon became known on the field, to Aggie Foyth, my son, Adam, and to Angela, that I am alive,” he pointed to his partner, with whom he has lived for forty years, and without him, He wouldn't have made it through last year's illness, he says.

He doesn't know what the secret of a good, long relationship is, but one thing is certain, he has never hated or fought. His ex-wife, Aggie Foyth, said of him: He is a good diplomat.

My role model is professional boxing, because I don't know how many rounds they smash each other's heads in. The match was over, it was announced, one won, the other lost, and the two boxers embraced each other. Because boxing is important! Watching professional boxing should be mandatory in many professions. Because people fight with each other with great force, let's not go too far, for example in politics, but I have never seen them hugging each other.

– Tell.

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“And that's also true for theatre. There's a struggle there. And all that has to be said is that when the final result comes out, we have to hug each other, and that means I accept, he won, I lost. Next time I win, he loses. That's all.” Something. There is no more diplomacy in me than that,” he shared his credo.

Humility vs. False modesty

She blushed a little, and admitted that at first she really liked being recognized.

People do all this in order to be known, loved and recognized. This is our profession. That's it, nothing more. At first, of course, I pretended I didn't notice. Out of false modesty.

False modesty turned into humility when he actually did things that he himself was proud of.

Laszlo Balek described Gyula Podroghi as the institution that it was and always will be. Representative replied:

“They say you have to stop at the top, and I think what I have achieved over these 90 years is the pinnacle of peaks – I just don't want to stop.”

Gyula Podroghi will turn 90 on April 15, and is preparing to turn 90 again. So be it!

(Cover photo: Gyula Podrogi on December 17, 2021. Photo: Tamas Casas / Index)