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After Janos Galvolji's recent bad experience, he decided never to take a plane again

After Janos Galvolji's recent bad experience, he decided never to take a plane again

Janus Galvolgyi the Weekly goose fat He was a guest on the show, where he talked, among other things, about his travel habits He said to me. The actor said that as he gets older, it becomes difficult for him to travel far.

It is also a sign of “renewal” as people no longer travel as much. Flying has become complicated. Now it's humiliating that they take off your leg, look inside your armpit, the plane is 40 hours late, and it doesn't start, you have to pay… No, no, no! I want to go to the sea one day in my life. Maybe in the summer I will find a sea somewhere near here

– Galvolgi commented jokingly in the interview.

As he said, fortunately he has visited many places in his life, the last time was before the Covid-19 lockdown in Dublin, where he performed his solo evening.

A week later, they announced that he had coronavirus, but we had already gotten to him. And this is what the plane looked like, I'm serious… from the fresh vomit they put me in… and we sat there for two hours because they either couldn't find the pilot or he couldn't find the stick. And they coughed, and sneezed, and spit, and tissues, and everything…and then I said I wasn't doing it

He told him what happened, then added: Then he decided to travel in his own car only.

As in his statement last year, the actor stated that he cannot go to Lake Balaton because he is not rich enough, but he knows a local resort nearby, with a sauna and a swimming pool, which is more than enough for him. .

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