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Reaction – from alcohol smuggling to America’s national sport

Reaction – from alcohol smuggling to America’s national sport


Thursday 14 December 2023 at 07:30

Seven decades ago, something happened that radically changed motorsports in the United States: stock car racing, which was already very popular at the time, was suspended.

On this day in 1947, the uniform rules and foundations of NASCAR were established, and since then the series has become America’s national sport and is popular around the world.

It didn’t even start as a sport, it was simply the nerds of the 1930s, the young men who knew how to assemble and tune cars, using better and better techniques to avoid the watchful guards of the law – they needed this because alcohol smuggling was booming in America at the time. In addition to the prohibition of alcohol at the time, home-made whiskey had to be transported very quickly from one place to another, which certainly required fast and agile cars, which they tried to develop in the garage.

But after a while, these guys realized that it was possible to race these cars, and the first tracks appeared not long after, but even then the current rules changed from place to place. Anyway, interest grew, more and more people became curious about these races, cars and drivers, but the whole thing was still an “underground style”, and we practically saw the story of Deadly Speed ​​at that time.

In the 1940s, it was Bill France who realized that structured frameworks and uniform rules were needed to truly complete the story – he organized the first meeting at Daytona Beach, the event center, at which mechanics, owners and drivers showed up. All this happened on December 14, 1947, and at the end of the meeting the National Association for Auto Racing was formed, that is, NASCAR: the first race was held only two months later, and the series began to rise.

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In the 1950s, larger and larger crowds visited each race, in 1952 a race was actually held in Canada, in 1959 the first Daytona 500 (the inaugural race of the Daytona International Speedway) was held, and in 1960 the first superspeedways were opened. . As technology changed, the sport also changed a lot, new racetracks and new divisions were created, and since the 1980s it has also become possible to follow the races on television. Since the mid-1990s, it has become America’s national sport: it appeared on the front page of the most important magazines, its programs were watched by more than one hundred million people, and it began to spread throughout the world.

Today, next to the National Football League, this is the most popular sport in America in terms of the number of television viewers and visitors to the venue. It is considered a truly national sport, and is broadcast in more than one hundred and fifty countries around the world. This is how the hobby of alcohol smugglers turned into one of the largest motorsport series in the world…

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