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Index – Culture – Something strange is revealed about the star chef and others

Index – Culture – Something strange is revealed about the star chef and others

It was not easy to make an appointment with Zoltan Schneider for a conversation, as the actor is on stage almost every night. Chef et al However, he wanted to play the lead role in the sitcom so much that they also decided on the timing. In the series, he runs the kitchen of a luxury restaurant and treats his subordinates like a sergeant would treat his soldiers, Judit Tsaki said. “Because that's the way you should treat them,” says Zoltan Schneider, but meanwhile he's smiling in a way that makes us feel that beneath the hard chef's jacket, there might be a beating heart.

The architect is the grandfather

Of course, there's the question of whether the actor likes fine dining, and the answer is more obvious: no, he's more on the side of stuffed cabbage and bloody meat. By the way, he loves and knows how to cook, stuff and smoke his own sausages, and

There can be no greater proof of the harmony of life than the presence of homemade jams, preserves and pickles in the pantry.

It is not known how much of this could fit in a handbag, however, during the evening, Zoltan Schneider continued to empty small and large bottles given as gifts: cranberry jam, green tomato sauce, chili cream, ginger peach – actor, jam specialties she prepares His wife, Gabriela Palos.

His wife's baking skills are also revealed by the tape called “cheesy”, and according to the actor, they could kill him in Radnóti for this reason. A constant feature of each presentation is the cheese, which guests of the Revizor evening can also taste: by the time the box arrived, there wasn't much of it left. Zoltan Schneider loves gardening in the garden of their home in Budavoki – he also picked green tomatoes there after they didn't have time to ripen – and he wouldn't trade his presence on Gabor Baros' property for anything.

I was born here, and my grandfather, the architect Emre Pelikan, is an honorary citizen here, after whom the Imre Pelikan community house in the Gabor Baros settlement is named, and who designed many residential buildings in the area

says the actor.

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Freemasonry and snack food

Zoltan Schneider himself almost ended up in construction, because when he was not accepted into the Academy of Dramatic Arts for the second time, his father – in addition to his career as a military officer – would have seen it pay off if he had so chosen. Concrete career. There's no doubt that Schneider could have succeeded anywhere – he was accepted into college, worked as a telephone network technician and didn't live a bad life – but he decided to become an actor in his third year of elementary school. School, and he didn't budge. It is true that when he climbed the stairs to help finish the plastering work, his grandfather always said:

“Why be an actor, you'll be good as a builder!”

Another famous grandfather quote was uttered after he saw his grandson walking on a high wire rope at a show. “How much do you get for this?” Schneider asked Zoltan. The actor replied: “Ten thousand forints,” and the grandfather said: “You will get twenty from me, just don’t do that.” However, Zoltan Sneijder has been doing so ever since he was accepted into Gabor Zampycki's class. Of course, there are pieces that are “very difficult” to start with, but they “fit” for every performance.

Fracture and stool

They were happy to work with him everywhere, and he also enjoyed the New Theater of Gabor Szekely, and now also at Radnoti, where the director Andras Balint invited him with such gentle but persistent force that it was impossible to resist him. Of course, György Sierhalmi's presence was also an attraction, and their friendship deepened when Schneider took a deep breath and told him that Don Juan's energy would be much better if he didn't put his foot on the chair in such a childish way. At one point in the performance, Schiralmi thanked her approvingly.

When asked if it was possible for an actor to make a living as a member of an ensemble in Hungary today, Schneider's only answer was a cheeky smile: “Well, if he's brilliant, yes. Or if he lives in a dressing room. An actor has to, too.” Other things, and if he's lucky, he finds a job he loves: acting in soap operas, dubbing.

Neither incense nor lotus seat

Zoltán Schneider can currently be seen at Radnót Theater, Rózsavölgyi Szalon, Spinoza and Pincheszínház. If he plays in the evening, he reads the script in advance – and when asked about behind-the-scenes secrets, he just says: “Meanwhile, I'm eating, the TV is playing, I'm not lighting incense, I'm not sitting in the lotus position.” He learns texts relatively quickly, and he knows for sure how

The assistant even shrugged in confusion when he once looked at him for help.

He plays his roles with great intensity, and they quickly overcome them in the end-of-season meetings. He doesn't like to think a lot or talk about the scenes, and prefers to do what the director asks of him – and sometimes what he doesn't do. “When I play a role that I love, the director usually shouts, ‘Here, this is what I was talking about’!” Zoltan Schneider slaps his palm while laughing.

Hippolytus, servant

He doesn't like to participate in summer shows, and it's not like he's on vacation, he'd rather be enjoying his garden, and that's when he realizes that. the Why kiwi? However, he made an exception for the performance, because the Bomfordian and somewhat compulsive accountant of the joint production of the Kőszeg Castle Theater and Rózsavölgyi Szalon immediately captivated him. When asked if he had studied the characteristics of compulsive behavior before, he laughed and replied: “I didn't have to study. There is enough compulsive behavior in my environment.”

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He then developed a good relationship with Kőszeg Castle Theater where he played for them again this year: A Hippolytus, servantIn – No, not Matthias Schneider, but Chief Counselor Makash, who is always at the opera under all circumstances. His partner will be Piroska Molnár. But he would not leave his wife alone until then, and they would move together to Kőszeg. Looking at the Masonic jars, Judit Chucky can only say: “This is love.”

(Cover photo: Zoltan Schneider/Gyorgy Kallos)