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Another young Hungarian at the Nobel Prize ceremony

Another young Hungarian at the Nobel Prize ceremony

The Swedish Association of Young Scientists has been organizing the symposium for young scientists since 1976, and its main purpose is to arouse the interest of Swedish students in science by presenting twenty-three young people from all over the world, distinguished in various fields of science, and to advance the participants scientifically in their careers.

Since 2001, the Hungarian Association for Innovation has been able to delegate a young Hungarian to the event on the basis of a contract, the criteria of which can be fulfilled every year.

As part of this year’s Nobel Week, young people can participate and listen to the lectures of this year’s Nobel laureates: So, among others Alan Aspect, John F. Clouser And the Anton Zellinger Nobel Laureates in Physics, Caroline R. Bertuzzi, Morten Meldal And the K. Barry Sharpless Nobel laureates in chemistry as well Svante Babu Lectures for Nobel Prize winners in Physiology and Medicine.

The day after the lectures by the Nobel laureates, the outstanding scientists were able to present their work to 1,000 Swedish students, which was photographed on December 5 in the Nobel Prize Museum, where David Macmillan They also got to meet the 2021 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry. The event can be watched from all over the world. stick it “A model of shrinking the area of ​​deterministic systems with nonlinear time evolution” On December 10, they were able to participate in the Nobel Prize Gala, the Nobel Banquet, where they had dinner with the Swedish royal family, this year’s and previous Nobel laureates, as well as the world’s best scientists. The night ended with the Nobel Night Party, considered the most secretive party in the world.

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Butcher Boutond His post has been supported by MATEHESZ.

Source: Hungarian Innovation Association

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