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Merkel rejected the UN Secretary-General’s job offer

Merkel rejected the UN Secretary-General's job offer

The former German chancellor’s office said Angela Merkel had rejected UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ job offer, saying that Merkel “spoke to the UN Secretary-General on the phone last week and thanked him but did not accept his request”.

Photo: Marcus Schreiber/DPA via Agence France-Presse

Antonio Guterres asked a politician who retired in December to take over the chair of the so-called Global Public Goods Advisory Board. There is no generally accepted definition of the concept of global public goods. These goods generally include natural formations, intellectual creations and other achievements that affect the entire population of the world, such as the ozone layer, international aviation safety rules or disease caused by the new type of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) (Covid-19) Protection by vaccination .

The United Nations Secretary-General plans to form an advisory group of former heads of state or government to help the world improve cooperation with the international community on global public goods, such as the end of the coronary epidemic. The creation of the body is one of the main commitments of the former Portuguese Prime Minister to begin his second term as Secretary-General of the United Nations earlier this year.

After 16 years in government, Angela Merkel handed over her position to Germany’s new chancellor, Olaf Schulz, on December 8 last year and has had no public program since. Former writer Brigitte Baumann said in the December 10 issue of Spiegel that they were jointly planning a book on Merkel’s political life, which began in 1989. The former chancellor’s other plans are unknown to the German public. (MTI)

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