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Hulkenberg’s return casts a bad light on the youngsters



Monday, November 28, 2022, at 1:34 p.m


Mark Webber did not expect to sign Nico Hulkenberg. According to the former Formula 1 driver, Haas’ choice of a more routine driver is not a good sign for the young talent.

During the week of the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, it was officially confirmed what had been expected for some time, that Haas had chosen Nico Hulkenberg over Mick Schumacher. This means that there is no place left for the young German in the field, while his regular compatriot will get his countless opportunity in Formula 1.

Haas mainly highlighted the important experience of the driver, as well as the lack of it in the case of Schumacher. Many people have already expressed their opinion about the situation, and now, for example, former Australian driver Mark Webber has tried to look at things from a new perspective. As a Channel 4 expert, he recently spoke out that, in his opinion, this decision is not good news for today’s talent.

“Honestly, I was a bit surprised. I think it casts a bit of a bad light on the talent close to Formula 1. According to them, there is no person who can take the ladder and can replace Mick Schumacher. Of course we know that Günther is beyond beginners and he was looking at the end The other one from the scale. He picked a veteran, because next year Nico will be perfect and he won’t crash the car. I know he’s losing weight so far as we speak. “He’s on the treadmill and burning fat, good luck,” the former Red Bull driver joked.

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As for Schumacher, the 23-year-old is determined to fight his way back to the grid in the future, and his best chance for that could be a backup role at Mercedes, although he would also have to negotiate with Ferrari. Mattia Binotto revealed a few days ago that the parties are still awaiting trial at the end of this year. Webber believes the Mercedes-Schumacher merger would be a good story for the team and the driver.

“I think it would be good for him. His dad has been with the team since 2010 when it was on the rise before Lewis Hamilton started to dominate, so that would be a nice story. The German connection and the chance to be with a top team when you want to be there could be a good fit.” .

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