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Championship title and eighth place in the global finals

Championship title and eighth place in the global finals


Tuesday, January 2, 2024 at 5:13 pm


The younger Vilmos Willicecs started and won championship titles at international level, in the Czech and Italian series, and was also competing for podium places in the EasyKart International Grand Finals for a long time.

The younger Vilmos Willesicz has already made his mark in the Hungarian series, and in the 2023 season ran the entire season in the Moravski Pohar series in the Czech Republic, in the EasyKart100 class.

And if he was there, he was not idle either. At the season opener held at the Slovak Circuit, he was able to stand on the podium immediately, taking third place, and also in the second weekend of racing, he then won the next four rounds on consecutively, including after his victory at Brock at the end of August, to secure the championship title in the Moravski Cup, in a field that also included Czech, Slovak and Hungarian drivers.

In addition, Velo also started three races in the Czech Open, where the young driver of the Willisits Motorsport team also put in an impressive performance. First, Velo won the weekend at Brock, then at Sisak, and finally finished fourth at the end of the season. The young WMS driver has also made two starts in Italy this year. The special feature of the Trofeo Italy is that the top five drivers receive cup prizes, so in 2023 Velo won his first Italian title after finishing fourth in Viterbo.

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The only thing left to culminate the season was the EasyKart International Grand Final, where Willisits Motorsport's Go-kart qualified for the championship in the Moravsky Cup. The Hungarian competitor has already performed excellently in qualifying: he finished first third, then fourth, and in the decisive race he was able to start from third place.

Philo had a great start, as he took the lead on the second lap and finished the first six laps in one of the top three positions, until a competitor forced him off the track while overtaking, which dropped him to 24th place, from which he returned. With some great overtaking performances he returned to ninth place, which after penalties meant Velo finished the EasyKart International Grand Final in eighth place.

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