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Racial discrimination in the United States – unconstitutional

Racial discrimination in the United States – unconstitutional

June 29, 2023 at 11:53 pm

On Thursday, the US Supreme Court declared that racial affirmative action in the higher education admissions process is unconstitutional.

The Supreme Court’s decision states that considering race in the hiring process violates the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which provides equal treatment.

The judges of the highest legal forum in the United States ruled 6 to 3 in favor of Students for Fair Admissions, a mostly Asian student organization that has existed for decades at two prestigious universities, Harvard and the University of North Carolina. The lawsuit filed because of his practice. The first lawsuit was filed against Harvard in 2014, arguing that its admissions practices violated the Civil Rights Act, which prohibits discrimination based on race, color, and ethnic origin.

Harvard University’s administration issued a statement confirming that the institution complies with the Supreme Court’s decision, but added that it maintains the university’s core values ​​and still believes that “diversity and difference are essential elements of academic excellence.”

After the decision, President Joe Biden criticized the Supreme Court and stated that he strongly opposes it, and suggested that the nation’s higher education institutions should find a way around the decision because, he said, the court ignored decades of legal precedent with its decision on Thursday.

Former President Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the United States, also expressed his disagreement with the decision of the highest legal forum, saying that he and his wife “break their hearts for the young people” affected by the decision. Meanwhile, Tim Scott, also an African-American senator and Republican presidential candidate, praised the decision, which he said should be celebrated, and accused former President Barack Obama of spreading lies.

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Justice Clarence Thomas, the second African-American member of the Supreme Court to vote in favor of the majority decision, said he made clear that university admissions practices to date have been nothing more than misguided racial discrimination aimed at securing a certain racial composition in college admissions. grades.

Thomas – NBC News

He added that he was “painfully aware” of the suffering caused by discrimination to members of his race, but at the same time expressed his hope that the basic principle enshrined in the Constitution and Declaration of Independence that “all men are created equal” would be implemented. “Creating equal and equal citizens” would prevail in the United States, and he would receive equal treatment before the law.

Analyzes show national importance of the Supreme Court’s affirmative action decision in Roe v. Wade is measured to make the decision. In June 2022, the council overturned a 1970s decision that made abortion a federal right.


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