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Tragedy – 30% of Hungarians say people lived with dinosaurs

Tragedy - 30% of Hungarians say people lived with dinosaurs

According to a third of Hungarians, humans already lived on Earth at the time of the dinosaurs, and more than 40 percent of them believe that there were already 10 billion people on the planet. Compared to citizens of other EU countries, Hungarians don’t know much that the oxygen we breathe comes from plants, but we are good at communicating with containers, and in the EU we are very concerned about scientists getting into political debates to defend their arguments. Eurobarometer Report Spring 2021 and published in September.

The survey asked people how much they care about science, asking them about their scientific knowledge, whether they believe in conspiracy theories, how dangerous they see new technologies, and what they think of the scientists themselves.

Questionnaires examined statements of scientific facts that respondents had to rank as true or false, different knowledge of science, and belief in conspiracy theories.

The result: In addition to Romania and Italy, most people in Hungary (31 percent) believe that older people lived at the same time as dinosaurs, while more than 80 percent of residents in Luxembourg, the Czech Republic, Belgium and Sweden knew that they did not live in The time of the dinosaurs. Humans (Dinosaurs became extinct about 66 million years ago, humans can be dated in many ways, but Homo sapiens appeared on Earth 300 thousand years ago).

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