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Science has proven that this little thing adds years to your life

Science has proven that this little thing adds years to your life

the Heart health Very important, but you probably know this too. There's a lot you can do to preserve it, and according to new research, it's very easy to do. If you don't live in a skyscraper, it's time to take care of your health!

The researchers worked through a huge data set

The research team, which was linked to a number of universities and hospitals in the United Kingdom, studied the topic using previous studies and new data, and 473,197 participants participated. It is worth noting that the greater the number of research participants and the broader the class covered by the tests, the more certain we are about the results, which was confirmed by the European Society of Cardiology on April 26, 2024. Presented at the conference But it has not yet been officially published and vetted.

what should be done?

When we emphasized at the beginning of the article that everything depends on a small detail, we exaggerated a little, but we did not. The key is really to make the right choice, but of course it is understandable if at first it is not certain that the right choice also seems to be the most convenient one.

The researchers saw from their data that Those who choose the stairs instead of the elevator can expect to live longer.Specifically, people who used stairs had lower rates of cardiovascular disease than people who did not. Stair climbers were also 39% less likely to die from cardiovascular disease and 24% less likely to die from any cause during the study period, suggesting that those who now prefer to climb stairs are particularly They can expect a longer life.

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Is the first floor okay?

Once the study is officially published, we'll have more data, so we'll likely have an answer to the question: How many stairs are ideal? Because it doesn't matter if someone chooses the stairs instead of the ninth floor every day, or the color of the plateau instead.

The formula is simple, of course, because every step is more than just a life without steps, and here's why If someone initially feels afraid to start the construction of a ten-story building with shopping bags, it is worth taking small steps. First, you only need to walk two floors, then you can get out of the elevator even earlier.

Some people don't

Of course, the study indicates that there are people who cannot climb stairs due to their health condition. For them, it is worth consulting a therapist, or simply interpreting this research as saying that even a few minutes of physical exercise a day adds a lot to their health, and if they can increase this number continuously, their bodies will especially improve. we appreciate that.

Count the stairs!

An earlier version was released in 2021 Great study Based on health data for 280,423 participants – excluding those who are not recommended to climb stairs due to poor general health – he reached a surprising conclusion. According to their data More than five steps a day, not too many in total, about fifty steps is enough To bind data with a longer lifetime.

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The study doesn't clearly say that avoiding the elevator leads to a longer life, but it does Another searchShe, who looked at data from the UK Biobank, found that climbing more than five flights of stairs reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis, a type of heart disease linked to strokes.

It's not just good for your heart

Although there are many people who like to avoid stairs, the next time you stand in front of them and have to go to the second or third floor, no matter how uncomfortable it is, think about your health. This is evident in the medical community Agree on thatWhich Stairs can help you achieve your daily dose of exercise, improve bone health, cholesterol levels, and are no less important for weight loss. So, next time you call the elevator, keep in mind that you probably don't have to wait for it to get there.

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