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Indicator – Abroad – Scotland cannot hold another referendum on independence without permission

Indicator – Abroad – Scotland cannot hold another referendum on independence without permission

At the same time, the separatists organized demonstrations across the country. The country was first held in 2014 at the initiative of the Scottish National Party Referendum on whether Scotland should remain a member of the United Kingdom. Then the majority decided to stay, A. writes euronews.

And Nicola Sturgeon, the country’s first minister fit for the post of prime minister, decided to hold another referendum on October 19 next year.

Scotland could no longer afford to live under the control of Westminster

Sturgeon said shortly before the government’s independence agenda was revealed. Before the High Court announced the decision, a Scottish government spokesman said there was democratic authority to call a referendum because a majority of MPs supported it.

The Scottish legislature, Holyrood, does not have any powers in the second independence Referendum Order – the court justified the decision unanimously. The British Parliament, that is, Westminster, should also contribute to this.

According to Lord Robert Reed, Chief Justice, the question was whether the Scottish government law Project Whether it affects matters within UK jurisdiction. A bill aimed at independence for Scotland would break the union and threaten the sovereignty of the UK parliament. The Scottish government’s pro-independence program is called Building a New Scotland.