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Index – Economics – Students should use financial services at the same level while writing, reading, and driving a car

Index – Economics – Students should use financial services at the same level while writing, reading, and driving a car

Next spring, between March 6 and 10, the PÉNZ7 Financial Awareness and Entrepreneurship Program Series will be held for the ninth time.

Eszter Hergár, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Financial Compass Foundation, announced that seven organizations signed on Friday the agreement under which

It undertakes the development of students’ financial and entrepreneurial skills in the academic year 2022/2023.

This year, their foundation is helping primary and secondary schools gain basic financial and management skills through 570,000 publications.

The aim was clear from the start, namely to give children as much theoretical and practical knowledge as possible, said Zoltan Marussa, PÉNZ7 Project Director and Secretary of State for Public Education. They are currently working to ensure that the new civics textbooks contain as much up-to-date information as possible, including financial knowledge.

Aniko Toure, Secretary of State to the Minister of Economic Development responsible for financial and economic legal regulations, as well as state property and postal affairs, highlighted in her presentation: At PÉNZ7 events, students can be taught either how to open a bank account or how to safely use a bank card, which they can benefit from of them significantly.

“Think and think!” said Palaz Dobos, deputy secretary in charge of business development at the Ministry of Culture and Innovation (KIM). Become the leading slogan for this year’s theme week. Startups make up a third of operating companies, while only 8 percent of Hungarians plan to start a business in the next three years, which is below the EU average of 12 percent. According to him, this ratio must be changed.

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Tibor Toth, Secretary of State responsible for Public Finance and International Relations at the Ministry of Finance, explained:

The importance of the International Pénz7 Theme Week is demonstrated by the fact that so far 170 different countries have participated in it and reached 50 million young people.

He explained that the participating organizations reached nearly 20 million children in 108 countries last year. He added that nearly 170,000 students from nearly 1,000 schools joined the series of events in Hungary in the previous academic year. Financial services should be used by everyone at the same level as writing, reading or driving a car, and this is the goal of the ministry.

Leventy Kovacs, Secretary General of the Hungarian Association of Banks, noted that in an international comparison, Hungary is the first country to reach the largest number of students. This year’s mission is to deal with the challenges of cybersecurity and digital security.

(Cover Photo:
Leventy Kovacs, General Secretary of the Hungarian Association of Banks, Esther Hergar, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Compass Foundation, Baláz Dobos, Undersecretary for Business Development at the Ministry of Culture and Innovation, Zoltán Marossa, State Secretary for Public Education at the Ministry of the Interior, Anikó Tri for Financial and Economic Legal Regulation and State Property Minister of State for Postal Affairs, Tibor Toth, Minister of State for Public Finance and International Relations at the Ministry of Finance, and Ursula Musakini Gergeli, Executive Director of The Junior Achievement Hungary Foundation (BJ) at the press conference in Budapest of the organizations implementing the series of programs on November 25, 2022, after the signing of an agreement Cooperat. picture:
Attila Kovacs/MTI)