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According to Nipszava Ubuda’s plans, it will be possible to swim in the Danube River again in Rome

According to Nipszava Ubuda’s plans, it will be possible to swim in the Danube River again in Rome

“In yesterday’s cabinet meeting, the vaccination program was evaluated by the government,” said Girjeli Gulyas, head of the Prime Minister’s Office. 2.608 million people have already been vaccinated in Hungary. The government, in consultation with the operational staff, decided a few weeks ago that the reopening would depend on the progress of the vaccination program. The first steps of restarting have been linked to 2.5 million vaccines. It didn’t mean much relief because there was at least as much relief as tightening. The government attempted to limit the crowd, for example, with bases of 10 square feet. The curfew has changed to 10 PM, partly due to the spring period and partly due to customer restrictions. Shops may be open until 10:30. On March 18, a million people were vaccinated, and they increased 2.5 times in less than a month. We hope that the number of people vaccinated will exceed 4 million later this month.

3 million and 950,000 people have been registered to get vaccinated in Hungary so far – said Jirjeli Gulias. There are 4.2 million people registered or vaccinated, and health workers were vaccinated without registration. Gergely Gulyás asked everyone to register. Retirees also received a letter on behalf of Cecilia Muller. Hopefully this will lead to a significant increase in the number of registrants. Vaccination of breeders is also progressing: 34,000 breeders received the vaccination even before the vaccination program. Protection is created even in the case of the first vaccination: Pfizer already provides 80% protection in this case, which means very high protection for vaccines – said Gergely Gulyás, who asked teachers to take the vaccine.

A certain set of stores and services may reopen, but they are entitled to benefits for the entire month of April. Hotels and hosts continue to receive wage subsidies. The parties have requested support of 69 billion HUF, of which 66 billion HUF have already been paid out.

The government will decide the next steps in revaccination once 3 million have been vaccinated. This is possible within 5-6 days – said Gergely Gulyás.

Jirjili Golias also spoke about the fact that the elderly receive the vaccination backwards and that the vaccination of young people has also begun. Everyone was asked to register. He added that it is expected that everyone registered this month will be vaccinated.

Regarding AstraZeneca, Gergely Gulyás said the vaccine has inoculated 18 million people in the UK, vaccination is safe, and all vaccinations are safer than not being vaccinated. Everyone asked that since disputes between pharmaceutical companies are partly responsible for the dilemmas surrounding vaccines, residents should not be toppling them. He added that AstraZeneca is safe, tested and protected.

Government spokeswoman Alexandra Centkerali said that in the spring the business relaunch program will be launched under the Hungarian Village Program, in the first round that small companies with less than 10 employees and working in small settlements can apply for a total of 25 HUF Billion. The companies will be able to receive support in the amount of 2-10 million HUF. May be combined with a HF10 million express loan previously announced by the government. The amount of 2-10 million HUF is non-refundable, and the state can bear 70% of the investment costs, and it can also be used to purchase machinery, developments and training. The companies involved must have at least one closed business year.

During the first round of the exceptional teacher vaccination, all teachers who registered but had not yet been vaccinated were vaccinated. There were 78 thousand invitations and 66 thousand teachers appeared in the vaccinations. Previously, there were 34,000 teachers ordered to vaccinate for their ages. By April 30, more than 100,000 teachers had been vaccinated.
The government has not yet made a decision as to which powers it will mean. The quarantine obligation will likely be canceled, among other things. For 3.5-4 million vaccines, the government will decide the privileges of vaccine certification.

“It is clear that we have passed the peak of the third wave,” said Jirjeli Julias. As he said, he thinks it will be possible to sit on the bleachers by the end of April. The fitness rooms are not open yet.

Gergely Gulyás said sporting events can only be attended with a security certificate. Such events are expected to take place by the summer. We hope, by June, the epidemic is behind us. “

Gergéli Goulias said they don’t see any serious risks when they open on April 19. They will likely have a written graduation in May, and everyone is expected to be vaccinated by June, even young adults. The authority will soon decide whether it is possible to vaccinate under the age of 18. NNK has yet to make a decision about vaccinating children between the ages of 16 and 18. Obviously, twice as much for this age group is low but not completely harmful.
8 million vaccines will be available by the end of May, for anyone who wants to take the vaccine orally.
Girjeli Golias supported Zollt Petri’s opinion on immigration. He added that in a country governed by law, no one should be punished for expressing opinions that allow freedom of expression, and if that happens, the authorities should act. He also said that XX. Century, authoritarian regimes have emerged from Germany, and he hopes that this will not happen now. He also talked about inviting all right-wing factions to Fides after the party left the People’s Party faction, but he has yet to decide which party to join. I also want conservative Christian politics to have a place to live in the union.
Gergili Golias again told the journalist a question: AstraZeneca is safe and encouraged everyone to get the vaccine. The 12-week interval between vaccinations is not reduced. The introduction of the protocol was not that there were a few vaccines, but according to the European Union Medicines Authority, this could be the greatest protection – said Jergeli Gulias. Regarding the opening, Girjeli Golias said the decision was not hasty, according to scientific consensus. He added that the liberal press also wrote that after the first vaccination, protection is high, and the risk of infection and severe symptoms decreased with the first vaccination. According to Gergely Gulyás, it is not wrong to base an opening strategy on the first vaccination. About the opening of the store, he said: Extending the curfew to 10 will reduce congestion in stores and reduce the spread of the epidemic.

Gergely Gulyás also spoke about the fact that vaccination in Hungary will continue on the basis of registration, and the period of use of SZÉP cards will not be time-restricted.

Regarding the high death rates, he said that this could be explained by the fact that Hungary also classifies coronavirus deaths as cases in which a person, for example, had cancer or died in a traffic accident while infected with the Coronavirus. Other countries say they do not.

Regarding traffic changes, Girjeli Gulias said: Due to the new management of the city, there are more traffic jams, garbage and homeless people in Budapest. According to Golias, rules should be established that are not harmful to motorists, but beneficial to cyclists.

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CanSino and Covishield vaccines have been approved, and NNK employees have also gone to the factory, but a decision has not been made yet, Gulyás said.

Gergely Gulyás said there are no plans to outsource higher education institutions to any asset management institution.

He also talked about the fact that a vaccine factory for Coronavirus will be built in Hungary from 6.7 to 7 billion HUF, which will be in Debrecen.

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