In the coming years, the University of Debrecen can improve its results in the international rankings, the head of the higher education institution said at the press conference held on Wednesday, October 4, where the Times Higher Education (THE) ranking was evaluated. The world’s most comprehensive, balanced and rigorous performance evaluation system ranks higher education institutions based on 17 indicators. More than 1,900 of the world’s 28,000 universities were included in the rankings published on September 27, based on their educational and research activities, their international reputation, their industrial income and patents, also taken into account when determining the final ranking. .
As it is known: In this list, the University of Debrecen improved 400 places to 601-800. Advanced to this category.
Zoltan Silvasy emphasized at the press conference: The university started the program five years ago, and its aim is to make the institution as visible as possible in various classifications of excellence. In order to do this, among other things, they adapted to the criteria system of the Anglo-Saxon lists, so they were immediately able to improve 400 places. He added that there are indeed unique achievements in Hungary, namely industrial relations and organized cooperation systems, in which the University of Debrecen can be mentioned on the same level as the University of Brno in Central and Eastern Europe.
Consultant Zoltan Bax emphasized: The fact that they have improved 400 places by jumping two categories forward confirms that not only high-quality work is being done at the organization, but that they have learned how to support all this with data in order to show real performance. At the same time, he recalled that DE had already ranked 89th in one of the world’s most prestigious rankings in the field of natural sciences last year. “We are already very strong in certain areas and we can even be among the top 100 companies, but we need to improve in other areas,” he said, adding that the evaluation criteria include data indicating the quality of education and research, but for example the number of publications will also be evaluated. Published and university administration when deciding on the final place.
They launched a program more than a year ago, within the framework of which they support successful publications, by supporting subsequent research works with financial resources, and they also try to win scientific tenders for assistance,” said Attila Gini, Director of the International Education Coordination Center DE, regarding objective criteria for measuring scientific activity. When preparing the ranking, they described the number of foreign lecturers as an important indicator, in which they would also like to advance, and to this end they have launched a program in this area as well, which they hope will make the institution more attractive to lecturers from other countries.