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The release of the human rights activist Dy Al-Hatloul from the Saudi prison

The release of the human rights activist Dy Al-Hatloul from the Saudi prison

What you need to know right away in 2021.

Under the pressure of a joint campaign by international human rights organizations, several countries and the family, after nearly three years in prison, the Saudi authorities put the activist Dai Al-Hatul to the test.

Al Hatloul launched a campaign against the masculinity of Saudi women and women driving cars in the country. The 31-year-old was arrested in May 2018 along with several of his companions, then sentenced in December to nearly six years in prison. He was charged with wanting to change the Saudi political system and harming national unity. The UN experts described the accusations as trumped-up.

Human rights organizations and their family members previously claimed that al-Hatloul was subjected to torture during interrogation, including electric shocks, stumbling, and sexual harassment. The Saudi authorities denied the allegations, and the Court of Appeal rejected the case on the grounds of insufficient evidence.

Regarding the case, the White House said that Joe Biden expects Riyadh to improve its human rights position, including by releasing political prisoners. Diplomats say the order is in part to reduce the expected friction with Biden with the Saudi authorities.

The Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, also welcomed the release of Ludin al-Hatloul, and urged the release and release of prisoners convicted on similar grounds. The women’s issue has received the largest press coverage among political prisoners in recent years.

Lina Al-Hatloul, Ludin’s brother, posted two photos of him on Twitter, one of which reads “There is a religion at home after 1001 days,” and the other was taken while filming with him. Another sister, Alia, wrote that Diane is now living with their parents. (ReutersAnd the guardian)

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