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The hype around F1 is huge

The hype around F1 is huge


Wednesday, March 9, 2022, 6:01 pm


Frederic Vasseur, President of Alfa Romeo, has expressed the view that the many new agreements signed by the teams justify the amazing popularity of the world of Formula One.

As of now, interest in the magic of racing circus has surged all over the world, largely due to the huge success of Netflix’s Drive to Survive series and its expansion into markets such as the United States. By the way, during the winter holidays, several teams reported that new business agreements were concluded, as well as new partners. As a result of Max Verstappen’s victory last year, Red Bull, for example, reached an agreement with two American business giants, technology company Oracle and cryptocurrency Bybit. Ferrari also came across two new fans, Santander and Villas.

Alfa Romeo didn’t stay silent during the winter either, as it was filled with new ads and even contacted more than a dozen partners. Among the new riders, Guanyu Zhou, who will be the first Chinese driver in the King class anyway, will bring a strong supporting background to the goalkeeper.

According to team boss Frederic Vasseur, the fact that as many commercial agreements have been reached with the teams only proves the popularity of Formula 1, opening the way for the companies. “It’s a tangle of things, but the hype around Formula One is magnifying,” he told Motorsport, adding: “Indeed at various events last year there was a noticeable increase in interest, with the 201 Grand Prix in Austin having the largest audience for F1. It was a real mega event, and the number of TV viewers spoke for themselves.”

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“My view is that we are very attractive not only as a sport but also as a team because we are so excited by the ambitions. I think we are building a great project with the new partners,” Vasseur added. He thinks it feels great for the new sponsors to choose their shape every day.

The head of the barn told at the end of last year that Zhou’s support would allow the Turins to reduce their budget to $140 million, calling it a “huge opportunity.”

Other team leaders share a similar view, with McLaren Racing’s Zack Brown recently predicting that a strong commercial contract would come around F1.

After the Russian Grand Prix was canceled, the number of races on the race calendar was reduced from 23 to 22 – which would have been the longest in the sport’s history – but Stefano Domenicali said it would be no problem to replace the race. Qatar and China may be back again next year, and talks are underway with the Las Vegas location as well.

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