Several decades later, the Space Race began to pick up steam, with the ultimate goal being humans permanently on the Moon – and later on Mars. However, there are important conditions for this.

For humans to permanently set foot on the Moon, many resources are needed – there, locally, not transported from Earth. This is the case with water ice.

Shackleton Crater, about 20 kilometers in diameter and located at the moon's south pole, could be ideal for this. The crater is important because sunlight never reaches it, so it could serve as a valuable site for future ice mining – and at the same time, there is no shortage of sunlight on the surface, which is essential due to solar energy.

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Because of the above, it is understandable why this lunar region is particularly important to NASA: it could be one of the important sites for the Artemis program in the future. (The US space agency announced a few weeks ago that it would postpone the program, so that the soonest a human could go to the moon would be September 2026.)

a new one, National Science Review However, according to a study published in the journal, China has also set its sights on Shackleton, and here may also be the landing site for the Chang'o 7 mission, also scheduled for 2026. Chinese landing module – details Gizmodo – It will carry a rover and a flying probe.

They will also carry ground-penetrating radar to search for water, but with it they will also search for other resources.

So China is becoming more serious about its lunar program, although it currently wants to send people to the moon in 2030.

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