Someone found a hidden code in Gmail. In the future, it will be possible to reply to a message shorter and sharper than now.

Google is working on a feature The report claims, allowing the recipient of the email to reply to it with emoji. According to the hidden code found in the iPhone Gmail app, there is an emoji interaction button in the email. When the user clicks on this option, there are a number of emoji interactions to choose from. This Emoji Interactions feature works similarly to other email applications such as Outlook.

The feature in question would be a welcome addition to Gmail for mobile. It will allow users to quickly and easily express their thoughts and feelings about messages without having to type a response. This can be especially useful for long or complex emails.

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It is not yet clear when Google plans to release emoji interactions for Gmail. However, since it is currently under development, it will likely be available to users in the near future. It is also not yet known if Gmail users on iPhone and Android will have this functionality at the same time, since as mentioned, the hidden icon has so far only been noticed in the iOS version of Gmail.

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