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Serbian President: Belgrade is under tremendous external pressure

Serbian President: Belgrade is under tremendous external pressure

There is enormous external pressure on Serbia, and Western countries want Serbia to recognize Kosovo's independence, withdraw support from Republika Srpska in Bosnia, impose sanctions on Russia, distance itself from China and form a left-wing puppet government – President Aleksandar Vucic assured in his speech on Saturday, which was broadcast Also on Serbian public television.

The Serbian President stressed that the West is putting pressure on Serbia with the aim of destabilizing the country, which is why such attacks are always coordinated by the media, civil organizations and various pressure groups, such as churches or supporters. He explained that in order to achieve the goals, “Serbia is constantly demonized,” for example, they say that the elections were not democratic, but there is no evidence of that, or they claim that the media situation is bad.

Another way to apply pressure is to point to Belgrade when it comes to the attack on police officers in northern Kosovo last September. “It has become common to point to Serbia in order to reduce the responsibility of Albin Kurti (Prime Minister of Kosovo) for the expulsion of Serbs from Kosovo,” Aleksandar Vucic noted.

The third way is to invent different “cases”, where it turns out that the participants in the questionable cases were all accomplices of Aleksandar Vucic.

“If this is done every day, people will check it,” he stressed, adding that people should know that such attacks do not happen by chance.

“If Serbia maintains its free way of thinking, these things will continue,” he said. In his opinion, this position of Belgrade does not satisfy the West, which wants the country to be ruled by a puppet government as it was before 2012.

“This is clear from these questions. This government will recognize Kosovo, impose immediate sanctions on Russia, and sever economic ties with China. Aleksandar Vucic said.

As he said, they want to achieve the creation of a left-wing puppet government by constantly linking crimes to the country's leaders, portraying the country as inhumane, and painting a fundamentally bad picture of Serbia and the situation of the people living there.

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Serbia, which is awaiting accession to the European Union, has cultural, religious and historical ties with Russia, and although it has condemned Moscow's aggression against Kiev, it is not ready to join the punitive measures imposed by the European Union, just as it does not want to. To cut economic ties with China. In 2008, Kosovo unilaterally declared its independence from Serbia, which Belgrade has refused to recognize ever since, and still considers the region, mostly inhabited by Albanians, its southern province.

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