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Israeli businessman hits billions of dollars in America – investors left behind may regret

Israeli businessman hits billions of dollars in America – investors left behind may regret

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Show up around 5 pm. ChecklistMonday’s broadcast of the portfolio’s daily podcast. In the first part of today’s show, WeCrashed, which deals with the story of WeWork will be a chainWhich is over on AppleTV these days.

The company, which promised investors a business revolution, ultimately failed to make billions of dollars, thanks in large part to the leadership style of eccentric founder Adam Newman.

about this subject Balázs Villuvégian analyst for the Portfolio Equity column, who, thanks to his startup past, has also gained personal experience in New York, will speak about both WeWork and American startup culture.

The second topic of the broadcast will be the French presidential election, Ákos ZsoldosIn our paper, the macroeconomic analyst will talk about the implications of Emmanuel Macron’s re-election to make room for Hungarian foreign and economic policy maneuvering.

What is a portfolio checklist?

The wallet checklist It is our newspaper’s daily podcast, where we tackle the day’s major economic and financial news with the help of portfolio analysts and other experts. The series can be continued at Spotify is onaz Apple PodcastThe google podcaston major podcast platforms, and here in the portfolio as well.

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