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Index – Abroad – Hungary’s neighbor could become a nuclear power power in Europe

Index – Abroad – Hungary’s neighbor could become a nuclear power power in Europe

Al-Mohi decides in the second stage nuclear power plant Of the third block is the Slovak Electric Works Corporation (SE). With the building of the bloc, Slovakia is a nuclear energy-producing country similar to France, which is at the fore in this field.

The International Atomic Energy Agency announced on Thursday its acceptance of the proposal. To date, nearly six billion euros have been spent on construction, and the additional financial resources will be offset by the high cost of electricity.

The new word It says, before live production begins, testing is expected in the first round. They noted that nuclear energy currently accounts for 55 percent of Slovakia’s electricity, but with the new mass the proportion will rise to more than two-thirds, and thus the country can become a leading nuclear power similar to France.

There is no alternative

Black Attila The former government commissioner asserted in his interview with Index:

There is no alternative to nuclear power in Central Europe, it certainly has a place in the energy mix. The combined use of nuclear energy and renewable energy sources, as well as smart energy storage, provide the solution to the energy challenge of our time.

(Cover photo: Mo nuclear power plant in Slovakia. Photo: David W. Cerny/File Photo/Reuters)

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