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In the Forest School, the forest is the place where the world comes together as a unified whole

In the Forest School, the forest is the place where the world comes together as a unified whole

7-8 March 2024. The main theme of the professional event held between 2008 and 2011 was the sharing of experiences of the “Forest at School” program launched by the National Forestry Association at the beginning of March. During the two-day event, the Forest Schools of Mexicerdo Zart presented themselves, and Dr. Adam Gould, media researcher and associate university professor, gave an exciting presentation titled “Generations and Media: Online Illusions, Offline Realities” about the situation of the Alpha and Z generations being born In the digital revolution.

On the first day of the two-day event, the participating professionals were able to get acquainted with field forestry teaching methods during a walk on the Sasreti Nature Trail in the Ÿbükkös area of ​​Almamelek, then on the second day the professional program continued in Árpádtető, in the building of the Mecsek Discovery Center. The Mokus Suli Forestry School and the MecseXplorer Gallery operate on the premises. In the morning, the participants listened to a lecture entitled “Generations and Media: Internet Illusions and Offline Realities” by Dr. Adam Gold, a media researcher and communication specialist.

At the level of opinions and formulation, we see that members of Generations Alpha and Z have an increasing need for closeness to nature. These generations seem to value sustainability, healthy living and environmental awareness. For them, discovering and enjoying the opportunities offered by being close to nature, such as forests, parks and natural areas, can be an important part of their relaxation and experiences. Despite technology, the need for natural experiences can be seen among young people, but the reality is that 60-70% of digital generations spend a significant portion of their free time at home consuming media content. This is also confirmed by a local study that concluded that only 7% of young people regularly go outside. – Sum it up Dr. Adam Gold The contradictory relationship between the needs of young people and their lifestyle.

Source: Misquierdo

Adrian ShetlerMexicerdo Forestry School Head Mocos Solé said:In school, children learn about the world divided into topics, and in Forest School, the forest is the place where the world comes together as a unified whole. In forest education sessions, we build on children's existing knowledge, but translate it into the language of practice (for example, field orientation tasks, hiking competitions, where children have to apply theoretical knowledge in practice). In the Forest School, learning/discovery is essentially based on one's own acquisition of experience. Children's ability to observe, analyse, synthesise, solve problems and think about the system develops during Forest Teaching – Field Investigations sessions. Perception occurs through several senses, and in addition to sight and hearing, smell, taste and touch also play an important role. This nature-centred education provides children with the opportunity to experience, learn about and love nature, so that it can be built up as a core value and integrated into their value system.

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Forest pedagogy programs and activities (especially multi-day overnight programs) develop the following among the key competencies needed for children's lifelong learning (lifelong learning):

  • Thinking competence (collecting data/information, organizing, interpreting, analyzing, discovering connections, developing critical thinking)

  • Learning efficiency (learning based on personal experience, integrating the knowledge acquired in this way into the existing system),

  • Communication and social competencies (e.g. during teamwork)

The Forest School Department of the National Forestry Association has been operating since 1996. An important role in its creation has been played by a sense of responsibility for the formation of environmental attitudes and awareness of young people, which foresters also consider their mission. In addition to state forestry companies, specialists from private forestry companies working on this topic participate in the department. Messik forest

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