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Good news from Germany: the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD) party is already on track to win a fourth term

Good news from Germany: the anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AfD) party is already on track to win a fourth term

After Saxony, Thuringia and Brandenburg, Germany’s right-wing party, the Alternative for Germany (AfD), will win a landslide in the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern district – this has been revealed by recent research conducted by the Infratest Demap, which was Uncensored to attest.

The Hungarian Prime Minister has been searching for our country’s friends and allies for years. That’s why he met – long before the Italian elections – with Giorgia Meloni (dubbed “post-fascist Italy” by the EU-funded Euronews), the first person in Spain’s right-wing Vox party, and Santiago Abascal, leader of the “post-fascist Italian” party. . France’s National Unification Party, which works for a rightward shift, with Marine Le Pen and many like-minded politicians.

In next year’s EU elections, the Liberal elite must be “pushed aside” because they cannot be made to see better, the Prime Minister recently said, and so “a change of course is necessary”.

It remains impossible to say today whether the European right will be strong enough to change course by 2024, because social processes are always slower than we think or want. But it is also true that events can always occur that can significantly accelerate these processes.

In 2021, for example, no one would have imagined that the AfD, which was constantly described as fascist in the German press, could now become the leading party in four German states with an advantage of almost 10%. Moreover, in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, the ten-year-old party will win a third (!!) of the votes in the elections “this Sunday”. To be precise, he will receive 32% of the vote and will lead the second-placed Social Democratic Party, which also provides the regional premier, by a fixed percentage of 9%. The Social Democrats and the Left Party will now be far from a majority in the five-party state parliament. Satisfaction with the Red-Red coalition also continued to decline: only 34 percent of voters were satisfied with the work of the coalition.

In Hesse and Bavaria, where regional parliamentary elections will be held soon, the AfD received 17% versus 21%.

Since there are 14 German states (excluding Berlin and Hamburg, which are cities with regional rights), we can safely say that since the AfD is already playing an important role in four of these states, it is almost certainly a success for the right. Wing policy. It is true that by forming traditional German parties and alliances, they can still push the AfD into opposition. By the way

AfD leader Dr. Alice Weidel called for turning Europe into an “anti-immigration fortress” in a speech during a party rally at the end of July.

At a European Parliament election rally in Magdeburg, where several new AfD candidates were presented, Viktor Orbán was seen by many as a role model.

It now appears that if the AfD’s influence continues to grow, at some point in the future it may gradually assume the leadership role in one or two or even several provinces, especially if it finds smaller allies on its side who are willing to do so. To openly embrace right-wing ideas, support, and constant and increasing attacks from the mostly liberal press.

Of course, all this takes time, and we cannot kid ourselves that the AfD will also play a role in the European Parliament elections in 2024. But in the long run, we can at least hope that common sense will return to the soil of the Germans.

Cover photo credit: Alice Weidel, co-chair of the AfD, speaks at the AfD party conference in Magdeburg on July 28, 2023. Photo: MTI/EPA/Clémens Bellin

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