Andras Domani

Primarily, car-sharing companies, taxi drivers and fleet operators can receive money, as well as charge network operators.

The government will provide HUF 60 billion for the purchase of electric cars by private companies and the expansion of the charging network. If possible, I would like to solve this problem with the money of the European Union, but if it does not come, then from the local budget.

According to the decision, which was published Thursday evening The Government agrees that in order to achieve climate neutrality, it is necessary to support the spread of electric mobility in Hungary by additional means. Therefore, by March 1 next year, a support program aimed at expanding the domestic electric charging network should be drawn up, in addition to the program “Support for the purchase of purely electric vehicles by commercial companies – especially car-sharing service providers and fleet providers.” and taxi companies.” Regional Development Minister Tibor Navarches has been appointed as the main person in charge of both tasks.

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They want to solve all this problem “primarily from EU sources”, but the government is also prepared for the possibility that this money may not arrive or be delayed. In this case, the Minister of Finance must ensure that HUF 30-30 billion “excess funds” are made available for these two purposes.


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