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Dániel Kacsoh: And you can shoot between us – Dobrev’s alternate history on the ZVti ZV . sofa

Dániel Kacsoh: And you can shoot between us – Dobrev’s alternate history on the ZVti ZV . sofa

Can you tell Clara Dobrev who her ancestors are? No. Could you benefit from having your ancestors and networking relationships? Certainly.

Clara Dobrev must show that the politics her grandfather represented is unacceptable to her. He himself spoke about this, namely Zsolti VV, on the YouTube channel most likely opposition flu. This is, of course, an accidental circumstance – not least.

The grandfather mentioned, as we know, is Antal Abreu, who was not long behind Rakosi and Kadar in the ranks of the dictatorship that existed between 1945 and 1990.

It was a Bolshevik line belonging to the first line, the personal supervisor of the conceptual suit of Imre Nagy et al.

We know the balance of communism: the “twin brother” of Nazism killed hundreds of thousands and hundreds of millions of people in Hungary, and drove our country and the world drunk on the Iron Curtain decades back economically.

At this point, it is important to recall that this assassination attempt was carried out not by the forces that came to power in the elections, but by opportunists working to protect hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the Soviet army occupying the country. Hungarian collaborators, including Antal Abreu himself.

But let’s turn to Dobrev, who in the video, despite his historical knowledge, pathetically asks the poetic question what kind of politics his grandfather represents! And the answer came from him: “The one-party system, which categorizes the public service media under the control of a party, which practically captures and fits those institutions and the police and the prosecution and the judiciary, which are not independent. Well, anyone who thinks of crosstalk detection may be right. from back.”

ZSolt VV, though smiling and kind, raises it cautiously: there were executions then, and now there are none.

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Dobrev says he has one in return ‘Very strong rejection’ from.

Comforts. You can shoot between us.

However, it is worth clarifying: the definition quoted miserably covers the reality of Kádár, the more difficult the world is, but if there was no turning point thirty years ago, it is likely that Klára Dobrev and her husband were a government worker, you do not have an online program, where you can invite Opposition politicians in a document. If a small dictatorship still operates in Hungary today, Orbán and his comrades would probably be in prison, the Hungarian Right would not exist even in an organized form. The brackets are closed.

At the same time, the DK prime ministerial candidate believes that after the regime change, when his mother had just taken advantage of the previous family position, well, at that time they were compatible with Emre Nagy’s grandson, Katalin Janusi, the dispute existed. It’s basically resolved.

In addition, they often talked to their children before going to bed about the fifty-six revolution.

This is Damascus Street itself. So, in their opinion, suffice to look back, it’s a cliché anyway: now, in 2021, Antal Abreu’s daughter, Piroska Abreu’s daughter, can count on democracy to rebury Emre Nagy, Viktor Orban, who demanded the withdrawal of Soviet soldiers and his government democratically elected. If we understand the logic well.

Popular, it still holds true: The world has transformed a lot, and Clara Dobrev is in it. But let’s see what else the candidate and prime ministerial candidate for the Democratic Coalition thinks about his grandfather’s work, other than his disapproval (let’s add again: it’s really nice of him)! “There is no good purpose and intellect that justifies one becoming evil.” – Summarizes what he says.

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This is. Obviously a good idea is communism, but this sentence is about as serious as the dwarf Hawks criticizes spider-man. Or like a quote from Nora Oravecz on fridge magnets.

Can you tell Clara Dobrev who her ancestors are? No. Could you benefit from having your ancestors and networking relationships? Certainly. Can the dictatorship retained by the ancestors be compared to today’s rule? meaningless.

The delight, then, is that a US European spokesperson can say a lot of cops were hurt in connection with the basic social outrage in 2006 over the Autumn Fools’ speech and protests that later decimated the attack. difference. Moreover, more police officers were seriously injured than protesters. This is a detailed lie, which they say can be some kind of family tradition.

And Ferrer was already immeasurably proud.

And when they brought a small bulletproof vest for their children, “If I remember correctly, I went to the bathroom to vomit.” Your Majesty. Obviously, the kids weren’t in danger for a minute, but ZSolt VV could easily mitigate this fanciful delusion.

On the other hand, thank you, we’re not asking for any more alternate history for Little-Dobrev or their other plans.

Opening photo: Janos Kadar, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Hungarian Socialist People’s Party, talks to Antal Abreu, a member of the Hungarian Socialist People’s Party Political Committee, during the autumn recess of Parliament. (MTI/Atila Manek)

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