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Covid Surge stimulates first North Dakota state to mask, New Mexico, Oregon partial lockdown

Covid Surge stimulates first North Dakota state to mask, New Mexico, Oregon partial lockdown

Renewed coronavirus cases have led North Dakota Gov. to authorize a statewide mask after months of resisting such a measure, while Oregon and New Mexico ordered a partial lockdown.

“New Mexico is on the verge of collapse,” said Michelle Logan Grisham, Governor of New Mexico.

The tight restrictions come as the United States broke another record, with 176,309 new coronavirus cases on Friday, bringing the total number nationwide. 10818345According to a NBC News tally. The country now has more than 100,000 new cases every day for 10 days in a row.

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At least 13 states – Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Ohio and Wisconsin – have record numbers of new daily cases.

Meanwhile, the death rate rose to about 1,000 people a day on average. The virus has killed 245555 people nationwide, According to a NBC News tally. The death toll from the coronavirus in Texas could reach 20,000 on Sunday as the state reports 100 deaths per day. As of Saturday, 19,864 have died in Texas from Covid-19.

Among the developments:

  • North Dakota has issued new statewide requirements, including the face mask mandate.
  • Oregon ordered a two-week “freeze” starting Wednesday, requiring companies to halt personal operations.
  • The new home stay order will take effect in New Mexico on Monday.
  • Six governors from the northeastern states are holding an “emergency summit” this weekend to coordinate efforts in response to the spike in cases across the region.
  • At least 13 states set new records in daily cases.
  • Texas could reach 20,000 COVID-19 deaths on Sunday.
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Republic of North Dakota Governor Doug Borghum announced late Friday night “The state health official, with my full support, has issued an order requiring the wearing of face coverings in all indoor work, public spaces and outdoor public spaces where physical distancing is not possible.”

The order will remain in effect until December 13th.

In addition, all bars and restaurants in North Dakota will be required starting Monday to close at 10 PM. It operates at 50 percent capacity, provided it does not exceed 150 people. All party venues, ballrooms and events will be restricted to 25 percent of the maximum occupancy, and school winter sports and extracurricular activities will be suspended.

“To be clear, these are statewide requirements, not just recommendations,” said Burgum.

The number of active positive cases has doubled in North Dakota since October 20 To approximately 10,500, Which indicates that future hospitalization may spike at a time when the capacity of the state’s health care system is already strained.

The governor said the rise “jeopardizes our hospitals’ ability to provide first-class treatment, not only for Covid-19 patients,” but also for others seeking care for other conditions.

Coronavirus has it Killed at least 700 people In North Dakota, where the state’s average 14-day positive test rate has doubled to 15.6 percent in the past month, Borghum said.

North Dakota Governor Doug Borghum speaks in Bismarck on March 20, 2020.Tom Strom / The Bismarck Tribune via AP File

In Oregon, Democratic Governor Kate Brown has ordered a two-week “freeze” starting Wednesday, during which many companies will be required to close their offices to the public and have employees work from home “to the extent possible.” She said violators could face fines or arrest.

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“For the past eight months, I’ve been asking Oregonians to follow the letter and spirit of the law, and we haven’t chosen to engage law enforcement,” Brown said. “At this time, unfortunately, we have no other choice.”

While most Oregon stores will remain open, gyms, museums, swimming pools, movie theaters and zoos will be forced to close, and restaurants and bars will be restricted to dining out. Social gatherings will be limited to six people.

Dr Esther Chu, MD, Emergency Medicine Physician at the University of Oregon Health and Science, Made an emotional appeal FridayStressing that the new restrictions will help her save her life and the lives of her family members, neighbors, friends and other essential workers across the state.

“Many of you shouted and rang bells and placed signs calling for us to be heroes, and we are very grateful for that,” said Chu. “In the meantime, we ask you to be our heroes and listen to our call for help again.”

Oregon has seen a 93.4 percent increase in cases over the past two weeks, with an average of nearly 900 new cases per day in the past nine days. Since the start of the pandemic, nearly 55,000 Oregonians have been infected At least 753 died.

In New Mexico, Democratic Governor Logan Gresham lay down He asked to stay home for two weeks In place starting on Monday. New Mexicans can only go out on basic excursions. The governor said that essential businesses may operate at limited capacity and non-essential businesses should stop all “workforce and personal activities.”

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“We are in a life-or-death situation, and if we don’t act now, we cannot save lives, we cannot continue to save lives, and we will totally crush our existing healthcare system and infrastructure,” Logan Gresham said.

New Mexico has seen a 59 percent increase in the number of cases over the past two weeks and an increase in deaths. The virus has killed nearly 1,200 people in the state 62.006 injured.

New York State, once the epicenter of the pandemic, is asking gyms, restaurants and bars to close at 10 pm and limit private gatherings to 10 people. In New York City, Mayor Bill de Blasio said parents should prepare for possible school closures as the coronavirus positive rate approaches 3 percent.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and five other governors from the northeastern states are due to hold an “emergency summit” this weekend to coordinate efforts to slow the spread of the virus across the region.

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“We believe we will have to take additional steps,” the Democratic governor said Friday, adding that he does not expect any major changes over the weekend.

New York has reported more than 45,700 new cases of coronavirus in the past 14 days, with an average of 4,163 new cases per day over the past week.

Cuomo said he expects infection rates to continue to rise in New York and nationwide as the holiday season begins.

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