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Barely 1% of Kharkiv was occupied, and Russia was already dreaming big

Barely 1% of Kharkiv was occupied, and Russia was already dreaming big

Written by Ria Novoszti to attest According to the press conference, Ganchev stated that the passports of the Donetsk People's Republic and the Luhansk People's Republic were recently replaced with Russian passports and/or citizenship.

Therefore, based on experience, we made the decision that if people want to join the Russian state, they should be issued a Russian passport immediately.

– said the head of public administration.

Ganchev also promised this within the framework of integration Accredited educational institutions in the Kharkiv region can also issue Russian-style graduation certificates to students.

This procedure is basically – currently – 300 square kilometers (The total area of ​​Kharkiv is one hundred times that, 31 thousand square kilometers) and It applies to 13 settlements.

Ganchev was not long before that reference He also suggested that Vovchansk or Kubyansk could be the future capital of Russia's Kharkiv region (Kharkiv is the Ukrainian name, but called Kharkiv in Russian).

Based on statements by the designated leader of the mini-region, Russia appears to have its eyes on the Kharkiv region as well as the four previously annexed (but not fully occupied) Ukrainian regions.

The cover image is an illustration. Cover image source: Getty Images

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