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There have never been as many rich people on Earth as there are now

There have never been as many rich people on Earth as there are now

According to an analysis by Swiss financial institution Credit Suisse, the number of super-rich people in the world increased by almost a quarter in one year, mainly due to the rapid economic recovery in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

Credit Suisse Bank A As reported by the Guardian The ultra-rich are those with assets of more than $50 million, roughly HUF 20 billion. In 2021, there were a total of 218,200 of these people, which is an increase of 46,000 compared to 2020 and more than doubled in two years. According to one of the economists who made the calculation, Anthony Shoroux, there has never been a year in which such a degree of enrichment has been recorded.

The super-rich have benefited mainly from the rapid recovery after the pandemic, including rising property prices and a strong performance in stock markets. However, while the rich have had particularly good years, billions of the poor have bad pasts.

Many people have lost their savings during the months of the pandemic, and there may be more who are now struggling to keep up with rising food and energy prices. It is noticeable that the richest 1 per cent increased their share of the total wealth of mankind, from 44 to 46 per cent.

10% of millionaires already live in China

According to Credit Suisse, wealth inequality in the world continued to grow in 2021. However, the total wealth of humanity also increased, not just a little, by about 10 percent. The average wealth of an individual amounted to 87 thousand dollars, which is 35 million forints. This is about three times the number twenty years ago.

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Average wealth was also the highest in Switzerland last year, at around $700,000. If we look at the median value, we find that Australia is in first place, and Switzerland only in sixth place (and the United States, which is second on average, drops to eighteenth place when looking at the median).

In 2021, there were a total of $62.5 million on Earth, more than a third of whom lived in the United States. China came in second with 10 percent, followed by Japan, the United Kingdom and France, all with nearly 5 percent.

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