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The Borbolji Knights succeeded in the national final

The Borbolji Knights succeeded in the national final

They measured their skills against the best in the country in skills, show jumping and dressage competitions. They achieved good results, and everyone exceeded expectations – said the team coach, Victoria Wachler-Uhle, to our newspaper.

The competitors rode the first round on Thursday and the second round on Friday in the Junior Championship, and the champions were announced on Friday evening based on the overall results achieved in the two rounds. The first round for the advanced and heavy categories followed on Saturday, and the second round continued on Sunday. The weekend ended with celebratory ceremonies for the individual and team championships on Sunday evening.

In show jumping, Mattenheim Lisa took second place with her horse named Lisa. (photo provided)

Results of the National Championship for Riders from Borboli: Dóra Sénási’s horse Jázmin Liza took second place in the over-15 age group. Balázs placed third with his horse Kitti Csinos in the highly skilled 15-and-over age group. In show jumping (height 60-70 cm), Lisa Mattenheim took second place with her horse named Lisa

Bodza Lovas SE finished 8th in the Team Championship out of 45 teams.

Results of each competition

Competition day: Thursday:

Novice Dressage – Age Group 10 and Under: 6th place: Pana Molnar-Sinus, Novice Dressage Age Group – 11-14 years: 13th place: Müller-Hanna-Sinus, 16th place: Lena Lisa Rentz.
Beginner Skill – 11-14 Age Group: 13th place: Zsoufi Molnar – Sinos, 14th place: Lena Rentz – Lisa, 36th place: Gabriela Viver – Sinos.
Beginner Skill -15+ Age Group: Second place: Dora Jazmine Sinasi – Lisa.
Jumping from 50 to 60 cm – 14 years and older: 15. Kitti-Liza Balázs, with 6.8 style points 15. Réka-Liza Beremenszki, with 6.8 style points.

Race day Friday:

Dressage for beginners – age group 10 years and under: 9th place: Bana Molnar – Sinus.
Dressage for beginners – 11-14 Age group: 16th place: Hanna-Sinus Müller, 17th place: Lina-Lisa Rentz.
Beginner skill – 11-14 Age group: 19th place: Lina Rentz – Lisa, 31st place: Zofie Molnar – Sinos, 34th place: Gabriela Viver – Sinos.
Beginner Skill -15+ Age Group: Second place: Dora Jazmine Sinasi – Lisa.
Show jumping from 50 to 60 cm – 14 years and above: 4. Kitty Lisa Balazs, 6. Rika Lisa Pereminsky.

Race day Saturday:

Advanced Skill – Under 10: 18th place: Molnar Bana – Sinos.
Advanced Skill – Age Group 11-14: 30th place: Zofie Molnar-Sinus, 31st place: Müller-Hanna-Sinus, 44th place: Gabriella Viver-Sinus.
Advanced skill – age group 15+: Fourth place: Jázmin Sénási Dóra – Liza.
Hard skill – 15 years and older: 2nd place: Balázs Kitti-Csinos.
Show jumping 60-70 cm, without REV, 14 years and over: 1st place: Mattenheim Lisa – Lisa, with 7.8 style points, 14th place: Rika Pereminsky – Lisa, with 7.0 style points.
Show jumping 70-80cm, 14 years and up: 28th place: Mattenheim Lisa – Lisa.

Race day Sunday:

Advanced Skill – Under 10: 18th place: Molnar Bana – Sinus.
Advanced Skills – Age Group 11-14: 14th place: Gabriela Pfeiffer-Sinus, 16th place: Zofie Molnar-Sinus, 42nd: Müller Hanna-Sinus.
Advanced Skill – Age Group 15+: Second place: Jázmin Sénási Dóra – Liza.
Hard skill – 15 years and older: 5th place: Balaz Kiti-Sinus.
Show jumping 60-70 cm, without REV, 14 years and over: 2nd place: Mattenheim Lisa – Lisa, with 7.8 style points, 13th place: Rika Pereminsky – Lisa, with 7.4 style points.
Show jumping 70-80cm, 14 years and over: 6th place: Mattenheim Lisa – Lisa.

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