It is difficult to predict how the epidemic will behave, but in the coming years there will likely be at least moderate waves that will require restrictive measures.

Is there a return to “normality” due to vaccinations? How threatening are the various mutations in the virus? Should we fear another wave of epidemics? In our series, you will find everything you need to know about the coronavirus pandemic.

The Epidemiological Research and Modeling Team advising the London government issued a statement saying there is a chance of future major pandemic waves in the island nation that will require effective measures to avoid pressures on healthcare work. There is certainly a realistic chance of the formation of such waves, but it can be said that the formation of such waves is likely with a medium degree of certainty.

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According to the group, the greatest uncertainty is the emergence of new viral variants, weakening of the population’s immunity over time, and unexpected admixture.

Chairman of Board of Directors The Reutershe told himThe next few years can be expected with some uncertainty, and future eruptions and waves will be “loud” before things calm down. It may be many years before the epidemic begins to operate in a stable, predictable pattern.

The London government, led by Boris Johnson, has essentially lifted all restrictive measures in England since the end of January. The prime minister acknowledged that the pandemic was not over, but said the country needed to learn to live with the virus. According to the forecast team leader, although the epidemic is expected to ease year after year, there may be times when the government will have to step back and take action again.

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