According to American researchers, Alzheimer’s disease can be diagnosed from beta-amyloid protein deposited in the retina even when the patient does not yet have memory-related symptoms.

For a long time, researchers have worked to catch Alzheimer’s disease as soon as possible. Thanks to this, a person can receive treatment that slows down the progression of the disease from the very beginning. In this area, researchers from the American Cedar Foundation-Sinai have now achieved a new result, writes A CNN.

The scientists took samples of the retina and brain tissue of 86 people in various stages of mental decline over the course of 14 years. They believed that examining the eyes could shed light on Alzheimer’s disease sooner than the onset of memory-related symptoms.

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This is the first study to provide an in-depth analysis of protein profiles and the molecular, cellular and structural effects of Alzheimer’s disease in the human retina, and how it relates to the brain, says neurosurgeon Maya Koronio Hamoui, lead author of the study. and cognitive function with changes in function. It has long been known that vision loss can occur in people suffering from this disease. By the way, a new study was recently published related to the prevention of this.

According to Koronio Hamoui, changes in the retina are related to changes in the entorhinal and temporal cortex regions of the brain. These are the centers of memory, orientation, and time perception.

The researchers compared retinal and brain tissue samples from donors with normal cognitive function to those with mild cognitive impairment and late-stage Alzheimer’s disease.

the Acta Neuropathologica According to the scientific journal publication, a significant increase in the levels of beta-amyloid, a key marker of Alzheimer’s disease, has been observed in Alzheimer’s patients and early cognitive decline.

The number of microglia — a type of neuron — dropped by 80 percent. These cells are responsible for the maintenance and removal of other cells. This includes amyloid beta, which multiplies in the brain and retina.

According to the researchers, these changes were also measurable in those who had no symptoms or had very mild symptoms. For this reason, they believe that in the future, with the help of an eye exam, it will be possible to screen early if someone has Alzheimer’s disease.

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