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Summer book recommendation if you want to connect with the world

Summer book recommendation if you want to connect with the world

No summer and no Christmas without this indispensable Bill Gates book review. In the menu, everyone can find something interesting to broaden their horizons. Bill Gates is known to read a lot, but it has now been shown that he not only hides books, and in his latest collection, he also recommends music and series for the coming months.

If someone wants to keep abreast of current events in the world and understand what is happening around us a little better, then he should pay attention to what one of the most successful businessmen, one of the greatest philanthropists and thinkers of our time is reading. Although Gates’ book reviews are devoid of light reading and are by no means dry or boring science tomes, they are particularly interesting books from which you can learn a lot. wrote in on his blog.

Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow – Gabriel Zeven

One of the most successful books of 2022, two friends are brought together by Super Mario Bros. Ultimate. to create their own video games in college. Understandably, the story resonated with Gates’ private life. “I found the story very relatable — in fact, it reminded me a lot of my relationship with Paul Allen and our work together at Microsoft,” he wrote, adding that Zeven is a great writer who is able to make the reader sympathize with his book. characters through his writing.

Born in Black – Howard French

Gates gets to do a lot with Africa because of his philanthropic programs, but this thoughtful and well-researched book was also able to teach him something new. French, journalist of African descent, questions standard Western accounts of the continent’s history. According to the book, the continent was far from stateless and primitive when the Europeans arrived. Indeed, he explains, the various African kingdoms created city-states that rivaled the Europeans in terms of political organization, military power, trade, art, and exploration. The book intrigued the former Microsoft chief with the topic even more, and he wants to know more about it.


As for light entertainment, Bill Gates has chosen a Danish political series on his list. The 2010 series originally ran for three seasons, but after it was added to Netflix in 2020, audiences, devastated by the pandemic, loved it so much they ordered a new season. Watch Gates of the Four Seasons.

The series takes its title from the palace that houses the Danish government, and follows the country’s first (fictitious) female prime minister, who must navigate a complex political environment. “I am fascinated by how political coalitions hold together and stay together, and have loved watching Prime Minister Birgitte Nyborg come up with everything. He is a principled and talented leader who is also fragile and driven at times.” Although Borgen’s goal is primarily to entertain, Gates says he learned a lot from it.

Bill Gates’ Spotify Summer Playlist

Have you ever wondered what kind of music Bill Gates listens to? We don’t either, but if we had to guess, we’d vote for Beethoven and Rachmaninoff. Although he might sometimes cheat on these as well, pop music isn’t far from a billionaire either. Billie Holiday, Nat King Cole, and the Beatles are all featured on Spotify’s summer playlist, but Adele, U2, Vampire Weekend, and even Maroon5’s classic, This Love, are also on the list. You can listen to the full list here.

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