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Spring has started with exciting programs in Közge

Spring has started with exciting programs in Közge
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Spring has started with exciting programs in Közge

SZC Kiskunfélegyházi Közgazdasági Technikum in Kiskunhalas has always been famous for the fact that we attach great importance not only to the theoretical material of individual subjects, but also to the practical application of individual knowledge. Our basic principle: Don’t just learn, see, experiment, and try to impart your knowledge to others. This is how you will become a successful and excellent professional.

This time, the following describes two of our early spring adventures: The tourism sector visited the Travel Fair, so that students and teachers at our school could compare their skills in a carnival math competition on a fun afternoon.

Public relations at the travel fair

The Budapest Hongexpo Travel Fair is February 23-25. Professionals and travel enthusiasts have been waiting for the 45th time between the internationally recognized exhibition and it is the largest tourist exchange in Hungary. Students from Közgé Tourism and Hospitality Branch of grades 9/NY, 9/T, 10/T and 11/T visited this famous event on February 24. The first day of the fair is for the profession, with professional lectures and conferences, and the other days are for the general public.

The diversity of the exhibitors and presentations fascinates our students. They were able to meet and speak with different tour operators and service providers’ representatives. In this way, they were able to learn about the attractions offered by the different tourist areas in an environment more interesting than school education. They had the opportunity to collect professional materials, which they will be able to use during their further studies.

The dance performance of the foreign guest of honor, Madagascar, as well as the experience of the e-bike test track, was a great experience for them. The Budapest Boat Show and Karaván Szalon amazed everyone with the spectacle of modern luxury boats, mobile homes, and caravans. Participation in the traveling fair was beneficial for our students, they had a great time and were able to gain a serious insight into the diversity and beauty of the profession.

Math Carnival Competition

At the end of the carnival period, the working community in the natural sciences announced a competition in mathematics for students and teachers of our school. The tasks for the competition, which took place on the afternoon of February 28, were also related to the carnival. In order to find the correct solution, the contestants needed not only mathematical calculation but also economic calculation and logical knowledge. The good atmosphere was also ensured by the costumed students. 11 student teams and 3 teacher teams, with a total of 38 people, participated in the competition.


1st place Uncle Rixy’s favorites (László Bencze, Attila Dinnyés, Hegyi Zalán 9 / KL)

secondly. A place of no danger, no fun (Layos Áron, Nora Ceres, Viscovics Marcel 9/P)

Third. Place Seregély Ferenc 11 / L

Special prize winners:

Highest Score: Inhumans (Erica Gemezny Endre, Clara Tothene Kovacs, Judit Vicki)

Most creative outfit: Blind Mice (Lilla Iványi, Dorina László, Tamás Cseszkó 12/B)

Congratulations to the participants!

Rekedt-Nagyn Kucsora, Attilán Tamás Hajnalka
Teacher (Tourism, Mathematics) Worked as a community leader

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