Tensions are rising in northern Kosovo.

Two units of the Serbian Armed Forces were also put on combat alert of the first level, and the Minister of Defense and Chief of Staff were on duty during the days, free Hungarian word. Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic said that this was not a provocation, and they would not go beyond the legal framework, but they were ready to protect the Serbian people from anything.

The situation in northern Kosovo is tense: local Serbs are closing the border crossing between Serbia and Kosovo because they do not consider it fair that they have to put a temporary Kosovo license plate on their cars if they enter the country. According to Pristina, this is not illegal, as Serbia led by Vucic has been doing for years.

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However, according to Belgrade, the issue is a bit more complicated, because if I get acquainted with the license plates of Kosovo, I will recognize the existence of the independent state of Kosovo. The Prime Minister of Kosovo indicated that the exchange of license plates will continue until Serbia recognizes the Kosovo plates. Both sides blame the other for the conflict while claiming that they want a peaceful solution.

(Our featured image shows Kosovo.)

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The man visited a local hospital because he felt pain in his stomach. X-rays also showed the cause.

Earlier, the Prime Minister of Kosovo threw tear gas canisters into Parliament

Andras Nemethhvg360

From the bastard of Kosovo politics became Prime Minister Albin Kurti, who wishes to unite his country with Albania.

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