Justy peter the I give my day Regarding the topic of his upcoming second season, they asked him whether he had asked his guests in the first season a question that he later regretted. the With Rosina Wosala A discussion was raised on the topic.
And while he has no regrets about asking the 39-year-old star when she was going to have kids, he’s sure he would have asked about it differently.
A conversation between Peter Gizzetti and Rosina Vossala
He revealed that after the broadcast was interrupted, he received a lot of criticism because of it. They said it because it is not appropriate to ask a woman like that.
– Today, it is very difficult to define what we consider to be personal (politically correct – Ed.), and what we consider acceptable in public life. Rosina and Sala asked, “Hey, shouldn’t you be thinking about starting a family around 40?”
He feels that, in the midst of a live broadcast, he asked the question more directly than he should have, and those who criticized him for this were partly right.
– But I was more motivated by the fact that Rosie is such a sympathetic and kind person to me that I simply asked him as a father.
He added that his question came out of love, and did not offend Rosina and Wasla in any way.
The second season of the program begins on November 6 on VIASAT3. The day will continue for Péter Geszti’s star guests www.adomanapom.hu page, and at 20:00 pm Adom Naboom will appear live.
Rosina and Sala’s partner
Rosina and Sala revealed that there is love in her life, and they also talked about who is the man who stole her heart.
How do you age well? – A happy life does not depend on age
January guest of Femina Club Pataki branch He will be a model for the star, a producer with him Nora Szeli, the evening’s host talks, among other things, about how to cope with the passage of time. Why is humor and self-reflection important? How can we take care of our physical and mental health? Why is it important to maintain our social relationships even at this stage of life?
You can read the fine print about the evening here: femina.hu/feminaklub
Tickets are only available onlinein limited quantities.
date: January 15, 2024, 6 p.m
location: Thalia Theater
Cover image: VIASAT3/Loud Communications