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Men must declare if they are pregnant – Citizens Information

Men must declare if they are pregnant – Citizens Information

To be accepted, everyone coming to the UK for an X-ray must fill out a form stating their preferred name, pronouns and whether or not they are expecting children. Men too.

In the UK, public health services have been ordered to ask men if they are pregnant before having an X-ray – He writes The Norwegian news portal document refers to reports from the British newspaper The Telegraph that The news agency visited. The radiographers were told exactly that.

As part of the “Medication Guidelines,” all patients aged 12 to 55 years should be asked whether they are expecting children, regardless of gender.

These guidelines were issued after a biological woman underwent a CT scan. However, the woman identified herself as a man and discovered she was pregnant without realizing it. Radiation from X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs, as well as cancer treatments, can be dangerous to unborn children.

So hospital staff are now being asked to be inclusive and not assume they can confirm a person’s gender. Patients must fill out a form where they enter their birth gender, preferred name and pronouns, answer detailed questions about pregnancy, and read stories about people who know the gender they were born with.

However, the models have caused so much anger among some that they are actually putting staff safety at risk. Workers have reported that men frequently walk out of consultations, and some women have burst into tears when discussing why they don’t have children.

“Women who have had terrible miscarriages or ectopic pregnancies are reminded of the trauma they have experienced. Instead of just asking if there is a chance I am pregnant, they should give detailed answers such as ‘I have had two ectopic pregnancies and had to have my ovaries removed,’” health workers said.

Patients from “diverse” cultural backgrounds feel insulted or embarrassed when they are told that their gender is ambiguous. Additionally, many believe that mentioning a pronoun and preferred name in advertising indoctrinates children and angers parents.

Opponents of the practice consider such a procedure to be completely degrading and urge the health sector to “return to common sense.”

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Cover image: Illustration / Photo: Peggy and Marco Lachmann-Anke / Pixabay

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