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Joe Biden became the first Democrat in 28 years to win Georgia

Joe Biden became the first Democrat in 28 years to win Georgia

Biden’s victory adds 16 electoral votes to his tally, bringing it to 306 – equivalent to President Donald Trump’s 2016 total votes. With CNN predicting Trump will win North Carolina, the final tally is 306-232.

In Georgia, Trump had made early progress in the counting process, but Biden moved forward with the Atlanta and suburban votes tabulated.

The historic success of the Democratic ticket was driven by a popular organizing renaissance that mobilized a rapid diversity of voters and suburbs that were simultaneously growing and becoming increasingly inhospitable to Republican candidates. Republicans in Georgia have further complicated the issue, as state lawmakers have so far refused to expand Medicaid under Obama Kerr and Governor Brian Kemp. In 2019, they signed the so-called “heartbeat bill”, one of the most restrictive abortion laws in Country.

Biden’s success in a traditionally republican state is the culmination of slow and steady gains there by the party. Two years ago, Democrat Stacy Abrams narrowly failed her bid for governor, losing to Kemp by 1.4 percentage points. Her campaign, and the work she has done since, has focused on turning out Democratic voters who had stayed home in previous rounds. That paved the way for Biden, the moderate, to win big cross-counties and outside of Atlanta, a city in the heart of the New South.

“We have been in this area for more than a decade,” Abrams told CNN reporter Jake Taber this week on the State of the Union program. “There are dozens of organizations and hundreds of people who have done this essential job.” “I was honored to be able to bring in the resources, before the 2018 elections and then the $ 40 million that we were able to spend in 2018 to build a democratic infrastructure that may not have resulted in me a victory in 2018, but certainly won this week.”

The Democratic presidential candidates bridged the gap between their Republican rivals in the last election. But no one has replicated Bill Clinton’s achievement 28 years ago, when he defeated the current president, George HW Bush. Barack Obama approached. Hillary Clinton, in 2016, got close. Biden completed the project.

Sensing an opportunity in the final days of the race, Vice Presidential Candidate Senator Kamala Harris, joined by Abrams, and Obama visited the state. Apparently worried about the shift toward Biden, Trump also arrived in Georgia the weekend before Election Day.

As Biden advanced in the days following the election, so did his Democratic challenger in the Senate, John Usoff, in his campaign to oust Republican Senator David Purdue. Neither reached a majority of the vote, which means that both the race and the special election for the other state Senate seat, will head into the runoff on January 5.

The results of those competitions will determine, Purdue vs. Usov in one race and Democratic Reverend Raphael Warnock against Republican Senator Kelly Loiffler in the other race, which party will win the Senate majority next year. The Democrats will need to win both to turn the numbers in their favor.

But Loeffler and Purdue face the prospect of running without Trump on the ballot. However, they are trying to hold on to his tastes by taking credit for his scandalous and bogus claims of mass voter fraud. The couple even called for the resignation of Georgia’s Republican foreign minister, who refused.

As the presidential race was so close, with Biden winning by just over 14,000 votes, the state began scrutiny Thursday morning. It is scheduled to be completed next week. But the Trump campaign, even if the margin remains unchanged, could request a subsequent manual recount.

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